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Proton Calendar

665 results found

  1. Add (limited) smtp submission to private plans (ex: to send email from a private nextcloud or blog)

    I'd like to receive notification emails via my nextcloud private server or my blog. Currently smtp submission ( is only available for Business or Enterprise customers, which is a steep upgrade from 4.99 to 12.99.

    I understand you might want to keep the offerings separate, possibly only allow 3 services to connect for private plans?

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  2. Decrease sync delay

    The sync of changes has a huge delay. Shared calendar can take hours, sync in mobile app can take minutes. This should be both near real time.

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  3. Sync Proton Calendar with Google contacts, but optionally not modify Google contacts

    Contact-Calendar programs such as E-Z Contact Book for Windows allows you to save reminders in the contacts. Proton Calendar should be able to sync with Google contacts, but optionally not modify Google contacts, and update to include all reminders in contacts not just birthdays and anniversaries.

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  4. Shared calendars - two-way sync (read/write between Proton, Office365, Google)

    I use Protonmail for my private calendar, but Outlook/Google for work. I would like to have Proton Calendar integrated in e.d. the Android native app so I have all my calendars in one.

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  5. Improve speed of displaying calendar events (faster load time)

    This is my main problem with ProtonCalendar (web & Android app) at the moment:

    If I want to check if I have appointments on a certain day, my appointments only appear after 5 seconds on Web and 10 seconds in the Android app. This takes way too long.

    I would expect that if I navigate to a certain day, my appointments appear within 2 seconds.

    Suggestion: display calendar events faster / decrease loading time.

    23 votes
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  6. Enable hotkeys for calendar

    It would be nice to have hotkeys for navigation in calendar, like next week, this week, jump to today, change view mode.

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  7. Option to show calendar title event in email notification

    Proton Calendar email notifications currently do not show the title of the calendar event (e.g. Reminder: event starting on Friday, March 4 (all day)). When emailing to the companion Proton Mail account, the email notification should include the calendar subject (e.g. Reminder: Jimmy's Birthday, Friday, March 4 (all day)).

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  8. Edit single instance of a recurring event

    There appears to be no way to edit a single instance of a recurring event. So if the 2nd item needs to be shifted by 15 minutes or location changes, that change will affect entire series. Please add the ability to edit either a single event... or the entire series.

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  9. Quick import event from ICS in the create calendar dropdown menu

    I don't use proton email for work, but I use proton calendar as my main calendar app. I get a lot of calendar invites sent to my work email with an ICS file attached, so my main way of adding these events is to go to setting/import and export and do the import there. But this two-step process is quite slow.

    So instead, can we have an extra Add event from ICS file in the "+" sign dropdown next to "My calendar"? I suppose this should be simple to add but this could be a huge convenience for the users.

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  10. icon for calendar and drive

    Hi, I wanted to ask a question about icons: I'd like there to be an icon next to each calendar appointment. Does this feature exist? Same thing for Drive, I would like an icon for each folder created. Possible? Thank you

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  11. iOS widget

    It'd be super useful if there was a mobile widget for the ProtonCalendar app so I can see my calendar from my home screen

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  12. Weekly preview widget

    The actual widget on Android shows the planned events one after another, as a list. It would be nice to have a better and configurable preview of the week.

    The need being to have a clear view of the week with one look. Another need is to see the available slots (i.e. tuesday 10 to 12 is free) quickly, using a nice layout.

    The latter can be with 7 columns, representing each day of the week. Rows would be the hours, configurable as needed (i.e from 8am to 8pm every 2 hours).

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  13. Improve export options

    I suggest that the calendar export function be enhanced by:
    1) adding file type of ".csv" as an option
    2) offer a date range (all or select dates)
    3) Offer choice of which of your calendars (all or selected), if this is implemented then each calendar entry should include field X-WR-CALNAME:
    Then we can download calendars into spreadsheet for search and sort purposes.


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  14. Sync subscribed external calendars more often.

    I subscribed to my personal Remeber The Milk calendar and it would be a lot nicer if it didn't take a day for my tasks to show up in the calendar. Of course an (almost) immediate sync would be optimal, but four times a day would be better too.

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  15. trash

    PROBLEM: I deleted a Calendar event, and have no way to undo the delete (i.e. I want to restore a deleted event.)
    RECOMMEND: For Calendar, allow restore events for up to 30 days after the event has been deleted.

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  16. Schedule Brave Talk (and other) video calls

    It'd be great if you could add video conferencing to a calendar event. Ideally with Brave Talk, but Zoom, etc. should also be supported.

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  17. Smaller widget size option for mobile

    Currently smallest size is 3x2 (android), but would prefer if 2x2 also was possible. The outlook widget has that size and it is usually more than enough space.

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  18. Do not sync which calendars to show between different applications (web/mobile)

    Currently we can toggle which calendars to show in the mobile app (in this case Android) and the web.

    However, this setting also syncs across devices, which is inconvenient.

    On the big screen on PC I want to see more calendars than on mobile. Especially in the homescreen widget.

    However, whenever I disable some calendars which I do not want to pollute the homescreen widget on mobile, they get hidden on the web as well and vice versa appear on mobile when I show them on the web.

    While this is not a dealbraker, it is annoying to always have…

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  19. 24:00 notation for iOS

    In Calendar is only a PM /AM time notation now. I prefer the 24 hours notation (International Standard ISO 8601 )

    Important: this feature is already available on WEB and ANDROID.

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    Planned for iOS

    For web: go to Settings > Account > Language and time > Time format

    For Android in the sidebar go to Settings > General > Time format

  20. Sharing a calendar using existing contacts


    I would have 3 proposals related to the sharing of the agenda:
    - Allow to share one of my calendars with another ProtonMail user present in my contacts.
    - Allow to invite another ProtonMail user present in my contacts to participate to an event.
    - Allow a specific ProtonMail user in my contacts to edit one of my calendars.

    This is very useful for example when your spouse is not available to know if she will be available at a specific date and to define a date with someone while inviting her to this event.
    This can also be…

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    Sharing a calendar is available on Web. 

    On next iterations we would like to enable the editing permission on mobile apps and add in the future to only share the "busy" information

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