Lifetime plan
I find paying 4 euros per month too expensive.
I would suggest adding the possibility to buy more features like adding more addresses, more filters rules or more GB for life.

Anonymous commented
Its good question. It's just some people may not have the discretionary income
Daniel commented
I think 50 Euros per year is not expensive - it 's 1-2 coffees per month. Compare that to what you get and what ideas and values you support!
Alex commented
I agree. Micropayments for a selected features it is a nice idea.
James commented
I agree with the comments. 1-2 dollars a month for more features is more like it.
Maybe pick and chose the options that are important to you. Some it might be space, others it might be an alias...etc
1 dollar a month and you can get 1 more added feature
Anonymous commented
@deklan i think you oversimplify the situation I think market doesn't work that way. When you drop the price of a product the number of paid customers rises. Usually there is a sweet spot for maximum profit.
Anyway. I'm sure cost of particular services like more GB or filters can be determined. -
Deklan commented
level of DDoS protection*
Deklan commented
Tutanota may not have the level of DDoS that ProtonMail acquired last year. This is expensive and has to be paid for each year.
I believe the business model is to have about 1% of paying users and the rest is free. If ProtonMail has 1 million users, that's about $480K in revenue per year.
Cut that in half like some of you are asking and ProtonMail probably can't survive.
If for you $48 a year is so much more expensive than $24, you're probably best using the free account. Or think that it's $24 for the features and an extra $24 as a donation.
(I'm using a free account myself at the moment)
R commented
I like the idea of adding features for life, but understand if that doesn't make financial sense.
Please make a $2 option, with 2 GB storage, 1 Custom Domain, 2 addresses, 400 messages per day, 80 labels, Mobile signature editing, and Support!
This splits the difference between the free and the Plus options, and should garner ProtonMail many more paid users that don't need all of the Plus options.
JM commented
I agree with most comments here. I would be more than happy to support ProtonMail for about $1 or $2 a month (as I am doing with Tutamail) but $5 is a bit steep.
5GB plan
5 alias
Custom domainI guess $2 / month or $20 / year is very reasonable.
I understand this is not a google company. But I am pretty sure that thousands of people would be more willing to upgrade if the prices were a bit more competitive. I would right now!
Anaemic commented
The paid accounts at $5 USD dollar per month and $48 USD per year is over priced.
I think $2.00 USD per month or $20.00 USD per year would be alot more affordable and would attract more paying customers. -
Ana commented
Totally ageed, especially regarding to opt out features we aren't interested in.
Ana commented
Agreed, Tutanota is much affordable in that sense. Also, not every Premuim user needs al the features that premium accounts offer, Some of us just need the alias feature, maybe some others just need more space. Instead of selling all that in a single package we should be able to buy the features we need at a smaller price.
gp commented
I think something like 1 or 2 euro per months is a good price that i would be happy to pay.. I personally would pay 50 euros only if that way i could add a feature permanently to my account. etc. buy more space for life or add unlimited filter permanently to my account.
Chris commented
What about a offer - model in the middel - go from 30 GB to 15 GB and then half of the rest of the futures, and also pay half. 30 EURO is a lot, and you will get a lot some don't use. And we will be happy to pay 15 EURO.
Anonymous commented
As a low volume user, the free service is perfect for me but I would like to have a couple of features, particularly a couple more aliases that can be changed anytime, without limit. BUT the jump to $50 to get more aliases (that apparently aren't disposable) is too large. There should be a payment option for a token amount, $10 or $12 per yr, for those who want to contribute to the developers but want a slight enhancement of the free version.
Anonymous commented
Going from either absolutely free to $50 /yr (for a very modest increase in features) IS a large leap. I would be happy to pay $10 /yr as a combined price/donation for the version that's now free if it included a couple more aliases (that are infinitely disposable). I would only upgrade to the $50 if it had many more features, including some of those voted on here plus some of the steathy options offered for pay in other email services (like throw-away and time-limited email address).
gp commented
@Petr thats something that depends from your salary. I know that protonmail needs support. I would support it but 4 or 5 euros per month is a considerable amount of money.
Petr commented
I don't think it's expensive. ProtonMail is not a Google or Apple, and it doesn't earn millions of euros per month, it is a start-up that needs first several years a great support of it's users and fan community. I don't see a problem in using a free account, it's not that limited as you could think, because we all got used to Yahoo, Gmail etc. ProtonMail has the bright future. And we need to invest in this future, like we invest in new technologies buying new products released every year.
Paul Swanson commented
I disagree with this. Email is too important for your security and privacy online not to pay for. For anyone in a developed country current pricing is very reasonable, in relation anything else you're already paying for, such as Internet access and a computer. There's always the free service for those testing the service or financially constrained.
Antti commented
I would like to support Protonmail development with premium subscription. Current plans are however too expensive for basic users.
I would only need basic functionality, with possibility to create email aliases.Or the other way around, give users possibility to opt out some current features from premium subscription with lesser money.