Shared inbox
Non-personal, shared (aka functional) mailboxes are commonplace in businesses - a central mailbox for a particular purpose accessible by multiple users. A similar need is also common for personal use (e.g. each spouse has their own personal mailbox, but also have a shared address for things like bills or school notifications)
1) Best option would be to allow an address to be created and assigned to multiple users within a ProtonMail Organization. That avoids forwarding of emails and also avoids having to log out of one ProtonMail user and then log into another user in order to check the shared addresses.
2) A potentially easier alternative would be to allow simultaneous login to multiple users via the Protonmail client. Thus you could login to each user account once and easily toggle between personal vs. shared mailboxes.
3) In the meantime, could you at least add an additional Action to the Filtering function that would allow you to auto-forward an incoming email if it met the defined conditions. This is not ideal as it essentially duplicates the data and the "other" user won't have replies in their Sent folder, etc. It's messy but better than nothing.

Dk commented
Tuta mail has this, come on proton. Even if we have to pay for this make it a feature. We all have joint emails at home for bills etc people saying this exists for visionary plans and family plans, why not duo? Come on Protonmail, make it happen
Jessie commented
Before moving to Proton this was a feature our team relied on regularly for sending out mailings from our group rather than from an individual. It has been a very interesting day trying to figure out what we're supposed to do now.
Matt Lyall commented
My wife and I have a proton duo plan, but without the ability to have a shared mailbox, I have needed to setup a separate free joint email account, with all the limitations that comes with the free account. This is far from the ideal arrangement.
The perfect solution would be to setup a unique email where both users are able to access and maintain the said email account.
Auto forwarding won't work for us as it makes it very difficult to keep track on who has dealt with what.
Martin Rye commented
yep, we use a shared mailbox
EW commented
This is critical for my family’s use case; it certainly is for many others.
David DC commented
Absolutely agree with Shane below. Sharing a mail with the wife is the goal here.
Shane commented
We just signed up for a family account with our custom domain name, but haven't changed our MX records from Google to ProtonMail yet.
I was a little surprised to discover "group emails" was only available on Business plans. We don't need a mailing list per-se, but we do need the ability to share a single email address between my wife and I for signing up for services or receiving e-bills, for example.
I have to believe other families could benefit from this as well.
Nicholas Olson commented
This is the only feature holding my family and small business from switching over to proton.
Gene commented
We have a business and need shared mailboxes. Would love to have this feature!
Matteo Bertini commented
We also use a shared email address for the kids' schools and sports, we already have a forwarder on the receiving side, but we'd like to use Proton Duo for both receiving and sending from the "shared" email (currently we don't share anything after delivery, so sometimes sending without the right bcc is messy, but not blocking).
Kazimierz Krauze commented
For a simple solution Proton could add something like google's delegated account.
Softwaerewolf commented
For a workaround, it's possible to use ProtonMail Bridge as an intermediary to achieve something similar to shared mailboxes without giving direct access to the email account settings.
Since Bridge is just a "proxy" email server that runs locally, it generates it's own credentials for access to accounts, you just need to port forward to the computer hosting Bridge and give those credentials to users in your company.
Access control isn't great since the password - even though it is different to your account password - appears to be generated deterministically so revoking access requires you to change credentials.
If Shared Inboxes are somehow a limited by technical implementation (even though organisation administrators can access other organisation user accounts, so in principle shared inboxes should be achievable through the same mechanism?) - perhaps this functionality can be built into Bridge by allowing users to create "local brdige accounts" with access delegated to addresses within Bridge itself.
The downside is that end-users will be responsible for the security, deploying and managing their Bridge proxy, but it is at least technically feasible.
Gregor commented
For organizations and families the usage of either Distribution Lists (at minimum; see: or even better Shared Inboxes is crucial. Creating a strange account which just exists to forward emails to other accounts is really like 1990. I understand the concerns of security here. This why we love Proton, but I really like to see this essential feature for Email rather than another new product, at first.
Samo commented
Any update on this? I am subscribed to the Family plan, and this doesn't exist yet. It doesn't make any sense; this is the most important thing for families!
Andrew commented
I have "Visionary" and this doesn't exist. I emailed support and they confirmed that it doesn't exist for any plans
S commented
This is absolutely necessary for us to move our business and family accounts to Proton!
Krisztina commented
Family plan really should have this!
Devyn Galligher commented
From a business plan standpoint, I don't see that this is possible? I could be wrong but this feature is critical.
BrianD commented
I think this now exists for Proton Business and Visionary plans... surprised the family plan doesn't have the same though.
Leo commented
I need this as well. Not having this feature is one of three major reasons preventing my company from subscribing to ProtonMail Business.