Increase storage
Increase storage or create a an email downloading vault to store old emails and free space in the account!

With the new domain, rebranding and pricing we also increased available storage significantly ( Marking this as done - for any new ideas regarding this please open a separate topic.
Jeff commented
how do I increase storage? I am moving my iCloud files to Proton and seem to have run out of room.
Terry commented
I have 12+ years (7.6GB) of mail that was on my old provider. I'd like to import it all, but at this rate I'll have to wait a few years for my "bonus" storage to add up so I can import it all. I'm on a Pro account, so I'm not allowed to just pay for more storage on a single either, which seems crazy! I think the default storage space should be greater, if possible.
Ronald commented
I like your e-mail and recommend it to many friends. But let's agree, your storage space limitation is ridiculous. 5GB for a paid account? really?
Did you see what your competitors offer these days? I would upgrade, but not for 5GB storage. -
Aerion commented
The suggestion that ProtonMail should stop offering free accounts, and that ProtonMail's free accounts can be equated to Google's free Gmail accounts since free = the user being the product, is simply ludicrous and ill informed.
Free ProtonMail accounts provide an essential lifeline to those unfortunate enough to live and be stuck in countries with oppressive authoritarian regimes.
ProtonMail's free accounts are funded by those of us with paid accounts, and free users are _not_ the product. This in sharp contrast to Gmail, where free accounts are funded by advertising and user profiling, rather than by paying Google Apps/G Suite/Google Workspace/<whatever they choose to call it next> users.
While more storage would be nice, I think many of us have gotten into seriously bad and lazy habits thanks to Gmail's extremely generous allowances, which are designed to encourage the user to _never_ delete any emails. More data means better profiling, which means you're a more valuable product, the very thing Google wants.
Anyone requiring more storage should perhaps take a look at their existing emails and see how many of those truly need to be kept. This is especially true for messages with large attachments; email is a messaging tool first and foremost, not a file storage and archiving system!
I should also point out that paying users get 1 extra GB of storage for every year they're with ProtonMail. Currently that's for ProtonMail usage only, but apparently there are plans to open this up to ProtonDrive too, similar to how Google's storage allowance is shared between Gmail, Google Drive, Google Photos, and other Google products.
Mark commented
Are you going to increase the amount of storage you provide for ProtonDrive? It looks like i have 17GB, which is nothing. I'd be willing to pay for more, but don't see the option. I have noticed plenty of other storage services that offer MUCH more storage space for fairly reasonable prices.
Marco commented
I have been a Microsoft subscriber for a long time because of the affordable price for the email service and the Office suite. I can't fully upgrade to Proton because even the visionary account doesn't offer the GBs I need to import all my emails or store future emails and its price is not sustainable for most common users. I understand how expensive it is to maintain a service like yours but it is not affordable for the average consumer (I am not a businessman or senior employee). Today Protonmail and ProtonVPN (I am a Premium user) are well known and many people are using your services so please try to consider an affordable price for 100-200 GB and more of storage for the Mail service. You can optionally also offer an option for an Office Suite at an extra cost. Make this possible and I will escape at lightning speed from MS immediately!
soyfrien commented
Data-deduplication works wonders. Probably even on encrypted data. I get 90% reductions in some datasets, such as MRI data.
Anonymous commented
5 Gb for a Plus Account is not enough. I can't transfert my iCloud account (10 Gb mail ) to PM. I think that a 15 Gb storage for a Plus account is minimum for same price. 1$ the GB is crazy. Please purpose a correct storage solution.
Thanks -
soti commented
It would be a nice option to either increase the standard storage for a free account from 500mb to 5gb; or offer a one time payment system to add more storage.
i.e $3 for 3 GB
etc. -
James commented
I would prefer that Protonmail stop offering new free accounts.
I have a difficult time explaining to friends that FREE is not free, that you are the product etc., so they should dump Gmail for Protonmail... which offers free accounts! But Protonmail is different, they don't do that! Yea, right...
Be consistent, whatever the cost of actually administering an account is, add a unit (dollar, euro, whatever) and make a bit of money. You deserve it. If someone won't pay it, they don't deserve you!
soti commented
absolutely love proton mail, however I think the free standard storage of 500mb is very little. it should be increased to a minimum of at least 5-8 gigabytes.
Anonymous commented
i run a business and my gmail account states 607 gb of storage. I need terabytes of storage not megabytes. Would you have a solution for this....and i am a sole practice owner. How do you cater for this. Do you have space for this as otherwise i need to stay at gsuite.
Anonymous commented
Each professional user only gets a 5GB mailbox. The only way to increase this is to add another professional user or downgrade to plus with fewer benefits. I believe there should be an option for you to add more mailbox storage with just one user.
Anonymous commented
as much as i like security protonmail provides, i still can't ignore the fact that 500mb is just impractical. services like google etc. way more space. i heard somewhere that yahoo gives 1TB of space for free! we are not asking for much but at least 2 GB will be more practical for the average user.
Jonathan David Arndt commented
As suggested, an email downloading vault to store old emails is available when using POP3 and Thunderbird (or similar desktop client).
ProtonMail currently supports IMAP (sync across devices), but does not support POP3 (downloading only).
If you voted to increase storage, I would also encourage you to vote for the idea "POP3." from user kdemeoz: -
Anonymous commented
I'm at quota and this is an immediate answer, allow me to access what I've paid for please rather than being forced to download and delete from your server.
Aarón Mena commented
It would be nice to have the option to pay for an upgrade in storage in the free plan.
I understend that the mantainance, the installation, the resources and the work has to be paid. But I think a good plan would be adding this option, with a good monthly/year/ offer, with at least 1Gb option to expand. It would be more atractive for people.Thanks for your time.
Leonard Umina commented
Agree. Storage is the reason I don't have a paid account. I have 100GB at Gooogle for $2/month. I'd be willing to cut that down to use protonmail, but not to 5 GB! All I know is that I'm typically bouncing around 100,000 stored emails, and many attachments. Even with your value-added you simply can't operate that far off the curve. You are not always dealing with governments, some of us are real people spending our own money. With a little creativity, I bet you could have Dropbox reselling your storage as an upgrade to there's, and showing you how to build it out cost-effectively.
K commented
Agreed. Storage is too limited. Can't even go above 25 GB (I think?), even if you want to pay. Or if that IS possible, I don't see a way to do that.
I'd like to have piece of mind and buy, say, 50 or 100 Gigs of storage so that I can archive and keep things forever like I did with Gmail. It's probably more of a habit than an actual need, but at this point I'd be willing to pay for it.
Transitioning away from Gmail was hard, PMail could make that a little easier by allowing more generous storage options. -
yan commented
I think you should lower the free tier storage before you increase it. A $12 payed up front per year option for minimal features and 1-2GB of storage would be a nice option. I don't know your numbers for how economically viable that would be for you, but I'm confident it would be popular.