Username and Email as separate fields
I have the same problem with Bitwarden. This is the only thing that would keep me from switching from Enpass. I don't want to have to create a custom field each time, and I'm sure many proton users have multiple emails to keep track of.
The way that Enpass does it is ideal IMO. When creating a login there’s separate fields for email, username, password, URL, phone number, security question/answer, tags, notes. Even though most of these will be unnecessary most of the time, they’re available in the creation menu, so you don’t have to add a new field each time. Obviously, once you create and save the login, it’ll only display the info you’ve filled in until you want to make edits.
Enpass’s approach is having all the most common fields available at the start when creating a login, and then allowing the user to just fill in what they need without having to create custom fields for things that are relatively common.
This is the most convenient and least frustrating way to do it. It would make a world of difference for me, and I’m sure many other users.
Hi everyone, there is now a dedicated field for both email AND username.
Just tap the (+) icon to the left of the email field to reveal the username field.
Redhook3 commented
Even though there is a dedicated field for both now, extension is filling username in email address field (take for example.
Buzzeger5 commented
I posted a follow up request regarding choosing username or email when auto-filling
George Rodger commented
Is the update generally available? If so, where? And what version is it?
AB commented
Excellent work on adding this, but I agree with Open Secq - I just tested this for the first time and we definitely need to be able to select which is the default login option - the username or the email.
Virtual Prodigy commented
Yes, thank you for adding this!
Open Secq commented
A quality of life improvement for this feature: Allow us to choose what is the default field for a login. Some websites wants you to register with a username and email, but you can only login with username. So if a website only allows logging in with a username and not an email, then it would autofill the username.
293823833 commented
Yes, please!!
T commented
“PLANNED” status
lfg!!! 🎉 This is by far my biggest pain point with Pass
Virtual Prodigy commented
Sweet, it's now in the planning phase! This is going to be an excellent QOL addition.
chai commented
This has been a consistent struggle for me with both Bitwarden and Proton Pass. It doesn't *feel* like it should be difficult to implement though I understand how supposedly simple changes can involve a lot more work than is apparent to a user. Still, this is my only major issue with Proton Pass right now and it'd improve my experience significantly.
Clement commented
It's the only thing keeping me from completely leaving Dashlane... Please 🙏🏻
Chief commented
With "Pass Monitor" released, this is now critical.
I have *so* many things it's complaining about "you have the same password between these two accounts" and it's just the same account registered under the email and the username.
George Rodger commented
Come on, team. This is basic stuff. You must be aware of what your main competitors offer in terms of functionality. It's way past time you levelled up - as a minimum!
Ryan commented
It would help me a lot to have both username and email as default fields but please also have some way to designate which one is primary for autofill. I’ve had some websites require email for sign in even though there is also a username.
Marcel commented
Maybe to be more flexible Proton could add a setting where you define default custom fields which are created by default when you create a new entry.
This way everyone can create it's own set of custom fields which should always be created when creating a new entry.You can add email as a custom field.
And I would maybe create custom fields for which YubiKey I used for MFA and which phone number was used for verification or account recovery. -
DanHolli commented
I don't see how this is terribly more useful than the Notes section
Proton User commented
I fail to understand why this is not a basic feature. Many places have a username that is not the email, and if Proton doesn't recognize the difference in the two fields then we end up losing access to services once imported into Pass - like happened to me - when only one of the above fields is taken.
Ouigo commented
I would also find this feature extremely usefull! Currently, aliases and logins are separate items in Proton Pass. Creating an alias and using it in combination with a password results in 2 entries, therefore the vaults in Proton Pass seem very full...
It would be much more convenient to have it all in one: creating the alias, and then being able to fill the password and username (if different from the email address) within the same item. -
Sean commented
I can't understand how this is not a basic feature. So many sites have more than or different to the standard 'email' and 'password' fields. Having to copy and paste or remember codes, etc., to log into sites I use daily is incredibly frustrating. Surely, it's not a huge deal. You already have the capacity for other fields, just populate them.
Jon Grose commented
Adding an alias is very easy, I love it, but I cannot then add a username without removing the alias which interferes with the SimpleLogin integration.