My feedback
7 results found
180 votes
anon supported this idea ·
6,517 votes
anon supported this idea ·
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1,942 votes
We have given this quite a bit of thought, but at the present moment, it is not clear the advantages would outweigh the disadvantages.
The biggest problem is search. Encrypting all metadata would break metadata search entirely on the web client as there is still no efficient way to handle search of encrypted data within a browser.
Secondly, metadata encryption’s value from a privacy standpoint is also somewhat dubious. Because we ultimately must deliver the message to the recipient, we must know who the recipient is. At the current time, there still isn’t any proven and viable way to work around this.
Metadata encryption is an area of continued research for us, and when the opportunity arises and the technology for doing this matures, we will definitely implement it in ProtonMail.
An error occurred while saving the comment anon commented
Here is a related suggestion posted by the ProtonMail Team themselves, that looks like it would do the job of hiding all metadata and deserves support:
32 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment anon commented
I would like to be able to give a separate email address to each contact, such that they cannot determine my username from them. For my purposes, it would be okay if these used a combination of random words and numbers, and they could be on a different (sub-)domain. Another service provides throw-away aliases constructed from random words and numbers and at a separate domain from their main email domain. A different service provides "temporary" aliases (called 'slot's in another comment) with user selectable names at a separate sub-domain from their main email domain.
675 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment anon commented
I would like to be able to use the SMTP features, Delivery Status Notification (if the remote server has implemented it, I would receive a message indicating that the message was accepted for delivery), and Message Disposition Notification (e.g., "Request Reading Receipt", usually the receiver gets a prompt from the email client and can decide whether or not to send the receipt), and also message Priority and Importance headers. For reading receipts the receiver should decide whether or not to send the receipt, but they know that you, the sender, would like a response. Also, I would like to be able to choose to send a read receipt if it is requested and I am the recipient.
17 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment anon commented
Delivery confirmation is an SMTP feature (Delivery Status Notification). Other email clients besides also implement it. I agree that would be a useful feature.
321 votes
anon supported this idea ·
This idea offered by the ProtonMail Team, would give unlimited disposable aliases (as nym server pseudonyms) if it is implemented like other nym servers.