As a long-term user, just want to say thank you! I have noticed a significant improvement in experience on Linux over the past year and the user interface is perfectly fit for purpose. I haven't used ProtonVPN on Windows or Linux so I can't really complain. Ultimately, I suspect the benefits of using Python to develop the Linux app outweigh the performance hit that may come from it being an interpreted language. Python is quicker to develop than C# (unlike the Windows app) and can be run across so many different Linux flavours.
As a long-term user, just want to say thank you! I have noticed a significant improvement in experience on Linux over the past year and the user interface is perfectly fit for purpose. I haven't used ProtonVPN on Windows or Linux so I can't really complain. Ultimately, I suspect the benefits of using Python to develop the Linux app outweigh the performance hit that may come from it being an interpreted language. Python is quicker to develop than C# (unlike the Windows app) and can be run across so many different Linux flavours.