Please *do not* create another chat app. We don't need more fragmentation in that space. If you want to support encrypted chats, throw your weight behind Signal. Promote them, donate to them, contribute to their code, maybe there's a way to integrate Signal (the actual app and platform, not just the protocol) into Proton apps, I don't know. But please don't create yet another chat app. We need privacy and *interoperability* in chat apps, not another silo.
And to be honest, I worry that you're overextending yourselves. Some parts of Proton's existing apps need a good deal of polish in UI and UX compared to other apps on the market. Focus on making your own apps amazing, not trying to get into the saturated field of chat apps.
Dear Proton,
Please *do not* create another chat app. We don't need more fragmentation in that space. If you want to support encrypted chats, throw your weight behind Signal. Promote them, donate to them, contribute to their code, maybe there's a way to integrate Signal (the actual app and platform, not just the protocol) into Proton apps, I don't know. But please don't create yet another chat app. We need privacy and *interoperability* in chat apps, not another silo.
And to be honest, I worry that you're overextending yourselves. Some parts of Proton's existing apps need a good deal of polish in UI and UX compared to other apps on the market. Focus on making your own apps amazing, not trying to get into the saturated field of chat apps.