Select all emails and perform bulk actions
It’s taking me 30 mins a day to delete 100-200 emails this is time consuming and damn right idiotic that the feature isn’t here already
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Hey everyone,
Cleaning up your inbox just got easier – you can now label, move, delete, or mark as read all emails in a folder (including your main Inbox) at once on the Proton Mail web app.
To get started, select all messages on a page. You'll see the option to select all messages in the location (e.g. Inbox) you're in. Then, simply apply actions in bulk, making it easier to manage your inbox.
Thank you for your feedback!
Paul Ryan commented
It's such an obvious feature to include. Don't bother switching your email from Google etc until you do unless you like '000s of unread emails
Emil Karlman commented
I want a button to select all the mails that are in the Sent folder. Right now, you have to tick each mail manually which is time consuming if you for example want to delete all mails in that folder.
Richard Romo commented
With the magic of java script and FireFox, I was able to delete all messages. Here's the script:
Load up Protonmail in your browser. Hit F12. Click 'Console' tab. Copy/paste the script selected from github.
Richard Romo commented
@dtov & Toby
Now show me how to delete 43,000 email in my All Mail folder. No 'three dots' there.
For all the things that ProtonMail does right, there's a very real disconnect of what would seem to be common-sense features, or in this case, consistency of features across the board.
Perhaps, what is most concerning of all, is that this simple issue / request for feature has been made in various places since 2015, and yet it is falling on indifferent ears.
I went from feeling exposed and spied on by Google, to feeling captive and straitjacketed by ProtonMail. At least with Gmail, I had control of my content.
Perhaps a home email server is the way to go.
Richard Romo commented
I have 43,000 messages in the ALL MAIL folder from Gmail. I can’t bulk delete them. I can’t bulk move them. I can, however, manually move 50 of them to the trash at a time, after which I can manually empty the trash 50 messages at a time.
I have tried Outlook 365 / Thunderbird via Bridge. Messages show up fine, but they don’t bulk delete. Restarting and reinstalling does nothing.
Using the ProtonMail web interface, I can go to ‘All Mail’, select all messages (which selects 50 messages), and click ‘Move to Trash’. It’ll say, ‘50 conversations moved to Trash’, and actually provide an option to ‘Move all conversations from this folder’. Ok, so I click ‘Move all conversations from this folder’, and it says, ‘Messages cannot be moved from that folder’.
So, at this point I have spent a ridicules amount of time trying to make ProtonMail preform very simple tasks, which would be a breeze in Outlook or Gmail. However, ProtonMail and its Bridge companion are clearly not built for scale, the latter being unreliable and unstable at best.
It is simply outlandish that in 2023, something as simple as the bulk moving or deleting of messages, is not possible in a ‘modern’, paid email service, and I can’t see how ProtonMail can be viable long-term sustainable home for my email storage.
Elizabeth Leone commented
I would like to see the ability to "bulk delete" all emails from a folder. Currently, it seems the only way to delete large numbers of in-box emails is to "select all" in the white box at the top which selects only 50 emails, hit delete, and repeat as many times as necessary. If the in-box is out of control, this is tedious and can take far too long. It's the sole reason I'm thinking of moving away from ProtonMail.
Dougie Nisbet commented
This is extraordinary. I just assumed this would be possible when I signed up for the paid product. Imported 18 years of gmail. What a mess.
Anonymous commented
We need the ability to delete ALL emails in the Trash or SPAM folders. Delete currently only acts on 50 emails at a time. This is a timely process if you get a lot of Trash or SPAM.
Toby commented
Probable duplicate of (or at least related to)
Toby commented
Toby commented
Toby commented
Preferably a way to "select all" (that applies to everything in the current view - not just the current page) and then do any arbitrary action, like
Toby commented
As dtov notes, this exists if you just want bulk delete.
If you want "select all" and do anything else (archive, move to folder, etc.), please vote on
Toby commented
Folks coming here probably want either
1) Ability to "select all" and do any mass operation (archive, delete, move to folder, etc.) (suggest moving your votes to
2) Ability to "delete all" (which exists as dtov points out on -
dtov commented
I just deleted 600+ messages from my inbox in seconds.
Just to the left of the page indicator on the right-hand side underneath your username, are three dots( do not have any emails selected because those three dots will disappear ). When you hover your mouse over those three dots, a pop-up bubble will say "more". Give that a click and follow the rest. You're welcome.
Rafael commented
I can't believe this feature is not available. It should be really simple to implement an "Empty Folder" feature that works even in the "All mail" tab.
My storage is slowly filling up because, even though I download all mail through Proton Mail Bridge, it does not get removed from Proton's servers. This is also a huge mistake in terms of privacy, as users might think that their communications are no longer available on Proton's servers after downloading them, even though in truth they are. I am already paying for a Plus subscription, I will definitely not pay an additional fee because Proton has chosen not to offer this simple feature, and is asking users to delete emails by hand, 50 at a time...
4uservoice22d09 commented
Adjusting the "default" window size of 50 msgs, to a user option of 50,250,1000, etc., would help here. I too archive my email via my local Thunderbird so moving 50,250,1000 msgs to Trash via the web page helps keep my Proton disk storage available.
Nik commented
Being able to select all emails in a folder and not just 50 at a time would alleviate user issues around storing and manipulating a large amount of emails in a single folder (which can very easily occur through migration from a competing email provider, or just by sheer bulk of incoming emails, potentially both).
Ultimately, large quantity data handling is key to Proton's success against the Big Tech players. Having this feature would be a great step towards enhancing usability.
Ben M commented
This is so basic yet still not available? Odd
Anna Y commented
I just decided to give Proton a try and my Trash filed up in minutes after syncing it with my reg. account. I tried emptying it and it is absolutely not working. How discouraging!