Read receipt / confirmation
Would It is possible to know if the recipient open or read the mail? as or
That would be great!

Adi commented
I have been using Free HubSpot for quite long time and now thanks to PM Bridge I can trace it through Outlook
Still waiting commented
Without an option to have verification that an email was received I am unable to use this as a primary email service for any business related messages.
Anonymous commented
I used to have bigstring and it was a super innovator it allowed you to view how many times a person viewed a mail and gave you a time option. I could send a final with a few seconds to self-distruct option without a trace. I can't tell you enough how this is important in my line of communication. You can determine honesty in this manner. I need people who know what's right from what's wrong without any vacilation. I have dealt with time critical matters that not only cost people money but in some cases in war torn places their very lives.
Anonymous commented
mail receipt and read prove of delivery
Loren commented
Love it....
Adi commented
I would rather prefer to have this option developed by PM team than allow 3rd party to scan my emails, and most of them are on US soil anyway
Anonymous commented
Read receipts are notoriously unreliable, as there is no standard for them. They often only work for users on the same service and with compatible mail clients.
Many users also disable them for privacy reasons.
If ProtonMail implemented this it would not work correctly with any external address, and the vast majority of ProtonMail users would disable it.
Zant commented
I know I'm not the first one to request that feature, but it's been requested in 2016, and is not available yet... (!).
Do you know there are times you NEED that feature for very important messages ?
Thank you.
Anonymous commented
Me too. Especially because I want to be sure my mail is getting through to the other side of the planet.
Anonymous commented
As numerous others have commented, as long as the ability to use or respond to Read Receipts is OPTIONAL why would this present a problem?
Yes, for some privacy is a concern, but certainly not for all users in all instance. Certainly that is not the case if the users have agreed to use Read Receipts, as many do.
The scenario mentioned in the Apr 30, 2015 post by "ADMIN The Team!" seems to present it more as an etiquette issue than a true privacy issue.
And, of course, for those who consider it to be a privacy issue they can choose to simply not use the Read Receipt feature or not respond to Read Receipt requests, etc.
Additional requests for this featured have continued to be posted right up through this very time. But the last comment from "ADMIN The Team!" is way back in Apr 30, 2015.
Another thing to consider is that since that time you have added business features. And, of course, it is VERY common practice to sometimes use Read Receipts for business related email.
If possible, could you please post an update as to whether or not this feature is being considered/re-considered?
Thank you!
Anonymous commented
Add a 'Read Receipt' which the person receiving the email can choose to send or not.
A question could be displayed when the email is opened which says:The sender of this email has requested a 'Read Receipt' do you wish to send one? Click Yes or No.
Then if they don't want to send a 'Read Receipt' just click 'No'.
Anonymous commented
leave it to the user to activate or deactivate in settingds
anon commented
I would like to be able to use the SMTP features, Delivery Status Notification (if the remote server has implemented it, I would receive a message indicating that the message was accepted for delivery), and Message Disposition Notification (e.g., "Request Reading Receipt", usually the receiver gets a prompt from the email client and can decide whether or not to send the receipt), and also message Priority and Importance headers. For reading receipts the receiver should decide whether or not to send the receipt, but they know that you, the sender, would like a response. Also, I would like to be able to choose to send a read receipt if it is requested and I am the recipient.
M. Robinson commented
I was wondering about this, because the settings for this app are overly simplistic.
Does this mean that the protonmail app does not respond to read receipt requests?
I agree, this is a privacy issue — this is not a feature I want in an email client.
Laura Bair commented
There are times when its absolutely imperative to have a read or delivery receipt. It's a standard option on many email services. Please consider adding.
Anonymous commented
yesss, please.
Anonymous commented
I agree the user should decide
Andrew commented
I agree that I want the option to not have a read receipt or delivery receipt sent when the send requests one. Adding the ability to request a read receipt would also be good to have.
Anonymous commented
A read receipt on self destructing email would be a useful feature and in no way is a privacy issue.
Anonymous commented
and me too