Ability to delete disabled addresses
Creating a new address under the Protonmail Account should not be permanent. Needs change over time. Higher subscription levels appear to have the capability to delete disabled addresses provided there are no emails for it. As a Plus user, it appears that any address I create is permanent and can only be disabled but not deleted. If I created an email address for a temporary purpose, but now would like the slot back for a new address (only 5 for base Plus subscription), it is not possible. That address forever takes one of my 5 address slots whether I enable or disable it. If there is already a way to delete it, the procedure is not clear.
stewSquared commented
Eh. I don't like thinking about the security/abuse implications of this. Just use a private domain for disposable addresses.
Miller708 commented
As a new user to ProtonMail it wasnt clear that email addresses created with pm.me or protonmail.com could not be deleted once created. I brought my custom domain and created addresses with that domain but I have old dead alias slots that I can't reclaim. I dont understand why I can delete what I created in my own Unlimited account. Please fix this soon Proton!!!
userbunvoice commented
And they could easily prevent abuse this feature by applying a waiting period, e.g. "You can delete this address 30 days from the date it was disabled".
[Deleted User] commented
In microsoft account, we can add and delete as many email aliases as we want. However microsoft does not let users create multiple aliases at once. You can only create few aliases per year. I think it would be great if Proton could let us manage email adresses the same way. This would prevent user to create unlimited amount of protonmail.com emails, while also letting user delete corrupted emails adresses that are no longer useful.
anon12333 commented
I agree with Kristaps, proton should do something along the lines of what he said. I understand why they'd want to keep their domain addresses undeletable to prevent people from making throwaway emails but surely they can implement some sort of restriction to the deletion process, instead of permanently disallowing it
Ben commented
1) I've created email aliases to my "main" Protonmail account, before ProtonPass (with simplelogin) was a thing.
2) I wasn't aware that I only could disable but not permanentely delete them.There is a handfull of them I'd like to permanentely delete or at least no longer use and see under my account.
I am aware that all the created email aliases can't just be deleted and "freed up" for somebody else to use, however I'd love to permanently make some of my aliases disappear/not be shown again under the email/aliases list, even if they count forever against my limit, based on my subscription.
Dach commented
I Agree, it is nuts to have to manually email support and ask them to delete each one when I am done. The email exchange that has to take place as a part of this is also frustrating - they ask if all of the emails associated with the address are deleted, you have to "this" and "that" etc.
JB commented
Yeah, doesn't make sense that as a paying Unlimited customer I cannot delete an email address that I created.
Anonymous commented
At the moment this seems to be one of the top-voted feature requests in this category (if you disregard the ones about crypto payments). Any updates?
As the previous post said, the thing that I found most annoying was the lack of warning. I ended up creating a bunch of addresses which I'm now stuck with.
Top requested feature on the "proton mail" section is related: Give Unlimited email aliases. https://protonmail.uservoice.com/forums/284483-proton-mail/suggestions/17349907--unlimited-disposable-email-aliases
E commented
Why no warning that once an email is created it is permanent? It feel like even though we pay we're still being restricted without reason.
If the worry is that email addresses can't be reused, then simply have a cooldown period as mentioned by others.
Robin Rastle commented
Seems such an elementary requirement I wonder why it isnt offered by default - Spam prevention, Fraud issues? PM should respond
Yitzchak Levkowitz commented
I hate this restriction. I've been a paid user of email and VPN for years. It stinks to be limited in this way as a paid user. Fine impose some limiting time period of weeks or months after an @pm.me or @protonmail. the address is created. I can understand that but FOREVER that SUCKS.
tecware commented
I can delete email addresses without any hassle in my Plus account. I only tried for a custom domain.
HOU Xiao commented
Totally agree. When you no longer use that adress, it's annoying to have it on your adress list.
HK commented
I agree to Kristaps and James solution or something like it.
Just 1-2 per year or so would be great. I am stuck with used slots that won't ever be used again bc it was used as a company email (since it's not allowed to make more than 1 account).
It feels so dumb to pay for additional slots when some ain't used and be stuck with them.If people want temp mails, then there's other solutions to that. But for legit users whom has a legit reason to make addresses but then later on have no need for them for several legit reasons, then it's just dumb that they can't be deleted to free up new slots.
Sigurd Vie commented
I think this would be great, but it needs some sort of limitations. Like a time after the creation of the address where you are not allowed to delete it or something along those lines!
Paul commented
This is great. Agreed 100%. Also agree with Kristaps. There should be some time threshold before being able to delete
Kristaps commented
I agree that there should be possibility to delete disabled addresses. However, it should not work in away how disposable/temporary works. It can easily be abused and exploited. Plus, in this scenario, protonmail would be included in even more disposable email validators and with higher chance to be restricted for use it some sites and apps.
There should be some grace period and restrictions for deleting disabled addresses.
Few ways how this could be limited:
- user must be proton plus user for at least X (2-3) months in order to delete disabled address.
- disabled address can only be deleted after X (1-3) months after being disabled.
- limit to delete X (3-6) addresses per year.
- alias cannot be used as deleted address within X months (12-24). This would somewhat prevent someone impersonating someone else.
- address deletion as paid service (would not be fan of this, but at least some option to do it + some above restrictions) -
Anonymous commented
Related to this problem, sounds like this user has solved it similar to me. I finally gave up on using Protonmail accounts, and started looking for another solution.
I use altmails.com to regularly create new semi-anonymous email accounts. However, I cannot initiate an email from one of these. I would appreciate if Protonmail made it easy to create disposable or spam email accounts of some sort.
uli bern commented
it would be great to have more disposable email aliases and the possibility to delete them, when they are have been misused -sold for spam mails for example- by the receiver.