SimpleLogin seamless integration for email alias reverse-alias usage
SimpleLogin works very well with Proton Mail, and it's great that this is now included in certain paid subscriptions, however there are some opportunities for a more seamless integration in the Proton Mail apps (Web and Mobile), in particular:
Receiving emails:
Option to show actual email address as sender instead of reverse-alias under "From" (i.e. use "X-Simplelogin-Envelope-From" email header where enabled instead of "From").Sending emails:
Option to select email alias as sender under "From" (in the same way as "real" addresses/mailboxes) and then use actual email addresses (rather than the reverse-aliases) under "To", and have Proton Mail automatically use (and generate if not yet created) the reverse-alias addresses for each of the recipients.Managing aliases:
Option to create a new alias from Proton Mail (i.e. under "Manage my addresses").
Essentially, the idea would be that when using the Proton Mail apps, one could use an email alias in exactly the same way as a "real" email address/mailbox, and have Proton Mail handle all the reverse-alias generation/substitution transparently to the end-user (at first glance, there would ideally still be some way of indicating that addresses have been substituted, perhaps with an icon next to the address that when clicked will show the reverse-alias that is actually used to send the email).

Hi everyone, here with a little update on this one:
#1 is complete. The original sender email is shown as the display name for the alias in the from field.
#2 is under consideration, pending anti-spam measures we may have to take. This is also a duplicate request, so we'll be continuing the conversation here:
#3 is complete and included in the Proton Mail side panel.
BackSeatDriver commented
Waiting on #2 eagerly. Good to see #1 and #3 completed.
Golliwog commented
I would argue #3 is not completed.
I use SimpleLogin, not Proton Pass, for passwords because Pass is not yet comparable in features to KeepPass (I'm looking forward to this changing). Pass aliases do not show up in SL and using the side panel to generate aliases would mean i would have to manage my aliases across two platforms. Not to mention SL aliases are still more feature rich than Pass aliases.
Additionally, from the side panel, I actually am looking to generate reverse aliases, not incoming aliases. (Most people are trying to email out to someone when using your mail app, not trying to give someone their contact details).I love the great work and the continual torrent of upgrades Proton is always providing, but please don't get over zealous when marking this feature as completed. :-)
Patrick commented
I wouldn't mind paying more to use SimpleLogin but I do need the ability to send emails from the aliases that I created within Proton Pass. Without that, I cannot initiate conversations to companies without using their own "contact me" page. I cannot really use SimpleLogin now as it would not sync with the aliases I have within Proton Pass.
Mpice commented
Yes, this sloud be a great ! some sites recgnize user by his personal email registered and if i write as sender from a different email (alias is not permitted) they do not reply and do not recognize user...
Power Ranger commented
Alex commented
@Klaus Heissler: Have you enabled "Reverse Alias Replacement" in your SimpleLogin settings?'m not sure if it works 100% of the time, but it seems to generally work well for me (I don't need to do anything and SimpleLogin automatically substitutes my actual ProtonMail address with the SimpleLogin alias).
Klaus Heissler commented
When answering to an email, ProtonMail automatically includes previously exchanged messages. And when recipients have a look to them, they can see the original ProtonMail address of my account.
ProtonMail should replace my sender address by the alias address in all emails I send.
Jay commented
We should also be able to find them quickly and be able to copy them in the Mail app! Right now, I have to go to Settings and then to My addresses to copy my aliases. It should be better integrated.
Paul M commented
While I used simplelogin before proton bought then, I agree integration is needed. I have allot of aliases and it would be great to more control and such from the protonmail interface.
Ryan commented
I’m new to both proton and SimpleLogin but using it extensively to have unique aliases for the majority of my logins. The two services still feel disjointed and any effort to better integrate them is appreciated.
Admin commented
It took me hours of experimentation to figure out how to send emails from a hide-my-address alias. I finally stumbled across the trick. A hide-my-address alias is the only kind of address I would give out. This should work the same as Thunderbird aliases.
Edit: Today I spent several more hours getting hide-my-address aliases to work with my own domain name. Parts of the process are extremely messy, but do work. But there were lots of undocumented steps found by trial and error and figuring out various error messages. Mammoth kludges.
mih commented
Adding my votes
protonvoter commented
2. Is essential for intuitive ux ,got really confused replying to mail from alias
legoatoom commented
This feature would be amazing, hopefully it would also work with the proton bridge.
This would allow me to send emails via Thunderbird as identities( directly.
Any forwarded email to a proton inbox would no longer require having the reply-to replaced with a generated alias. Since you would be able to send it (seemingly) directly to them from that alias.
This would also fix calendar invites:
Alessandro commented
This is absolutely fundamental!
voyager2bird commented
If I'm shopping for insurance and need to contact three firms, then I should be able to compose a new email and then:
generate new SL alias (and choose the SL alias mailboxe(s)) the contact should belong to; or, select an existing SL alias the contact should belong to. At which point, the reverse-alias is autogenerated in the Proton email and added to the TO field.
A proton user should not have to use two applications to achieve this workflow with SL now under Proton.
similar idea here;
Also, not sure if this belongs in Email or Pass, or both:
Beedell, Roke Julian Lockhart commented
As states:
> Regardless of how it appears to the user, I'd integrate with under the hood rather than SimpleLogin.
Nathan commented
I understand that aliases are part of the account upsell advantages. I also understand that Proton Mail addresses have security and encryption options not included with Simple Login aliases. However, I think better Simple Login integration for reverse aliases as well as the ability to create addresses in Proton Mail from Simple Login domains should be a feature that could be added while retaining the current account upsell paths.
Chief commented
Today you can make new addresses in Proton Mail, but they're not setup automatically in SimpleLogin as Mailboxes.
Then even once you add them as Mailboxes in SimpleLogin, they're not available in Proton Pass when creating a new alias in Proton Pass.
These should all be hooked together automatically so I can pick my target address from Proton Mail when I'm creating a new alias in Proton Pass.
Kelly commented
Agree the integration could be much better and easier to use, but it is technically possible two ways:
Replying to a message sent to the alias will send to the reverse alias so it will send it from the alias even though it doesn't 'look' like it.
Go to simple login and get/create the reverse alias for the address you're sending to.