Add "The Recipient" as a condition for auto-forwarding email
I would like to auto-forward email based on the address it was sent to (the recipient).

Adam Kessel commented
Would really like to see progress on this. You’re already parsing the header for forwarding conditions, so this shouldn’t be a heavy lift to add.
F. commented
Unpleasantly surprised to find that such a standard feature doesn't exist. Please add.
Doro commented
This is critical business use case to be able to triage recipients.
Adam Kessel commented
Ditto. I use +addressing (e.g. for different subscriptions and would like to be able to forward them on based on that address. For example, I forward newsletters to a service that puts them on my eReader. I was doing this for years with my own mailserver but apparently it's not possible with Proton.
Kevin C. commented
Just adding my voice to the list of others who think this would be useful. Is anyone from Proton taking uservoice threads into the dev track?
dandangerous commented
This would be great to have. Here's the use case:
My Disney account is set up using passmail: When logging in to a new device, an email is sent to the alias with subject "Your one time passcode for Disney+". When my wife logs in to Disney, this is sent to my account, I would like it to auto-forward.
I have a forward rule set up, but the rule only works if the "Forward From" matches. This means emails sent to passmail or simplelogin addresses cannot be forwarded.
I would need to switch these to my one of my "core" aliases, which negates the benefit of using the hidden aliases, in order to get these to forward automatically. I would like to be able to automatically forward any email that lands in my inbox, regardless of which alias it came in to.
Harsh commented
already a feature
Nunna Yerbidnes commented
This is currently a blocking issue for me. Please expand the fields available for filtering even beyond adding the recipient!
risuch commented
Essential, would be great to see it coming soon. Or at least allow the redirect action in the sieve scripts
Uje Bg commented
Email forwarding is not very useful for me without recipient filtering criteria covering aliases (simplelogin or +-aliases), similar to the email-filtering for labelling.
Brandon Adams commented
Absolutely essential! Also allow "Forward from" to contain email address tags (i.e.
Brandon Adams commented
It would also be nice, that if the "recipient address" has tags (ex: that the user+tag can be the "from address" for the forwarded email.
Chaser commented
I need an option to be able to forward emails based on the receiving address.
Pascal Petit commented
It would be very helpfull.
I use simplelogin aliases
I need to use simplelogin recipient adress in forwarding rules -
Preacher commented
Upvoting! Filter functionality (that stick labels and move emails to folders) supports filtering by "recipient" field. But in Forwarding functionality for some reason you cannot set a condition based on "recipient" field.
doppelar0n commented
that would be very very helpful!!
Eric Holloway commented
This is the only reason for me to use auto-forward at this time...
Riccardo Iaconelli (ruphy) commented
This is such a small change (another value in the dropdown) but would make the world of difference for me to automate the workflows