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Proton VPN

207 results found

  1. Unblocking every outbound port on protonvpn's https proxies (web browser addons)

    Some websites use a port which is not 80. And, for some reason, those are blocked by ProtonVPN's HTTPS proxies used in their browser addons.
    This is a request for unblocking it.

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  2. A location-based split-tunneling.

    To bypass restricts based on locations.

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  3. Revert changes

    VPN accelerator, LAN connections, split tunneling, and Moderate NAT, most important being able to select a country (US, Japan or Netherlands) now you have zero choice and get put in a country with no data privacy laws for example.

    The marketing people really hit Proton hard over the last few years you see more and more features being eroded away from free users. I thought the paid users supported the free users in their business model? was that not the ethos of Proton VPN years ago? Everyone has the right to privacy?

    The blatant limitations being imposed makes you wonder…

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  4. More comprehensive blocking abilities

    Blocking of ads and trackers is an important part of maintaining user privacy and the ability to browse the internet without being constantly surveilled or provided with skewed content based on the decisions of algorithms.

    NetShield is cool, but it would be great to have a more comprehensive blocking capability in Proton VPN similar to the likes of AdGuard. Currently, it is clunky to use AdGuardd or DuckDuckGo tracking protection together with VPN because most platforms allow only one VPN connection at a time and a "fake" VPN is necessary for the blocking services to work.

    Important features for this…

    9 votes
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  5. Add the option to disable the connected taskbar icon overlay

    I have a very minimal taskbar with custom icons for everything, and this doesn't fit the theme. I'm sure there's others that have a similar problem and would like to be able to turn off the icon overlay for when connected. I think the option to have only a disconnected overlay or both would be useful too. I'm always using the vpn so the normal state is the one alerting me with an icon and the abnormal one isn't.

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  6. Add a toggle to your auto renew feature

    Add a toggle auto-renew to your subscription plan. The lack of it gives a semi-predatory vibe that feels out of place in such a trusted and professional company. I understand this may cause losses but your product needs to be more than just a pretty UI. People get VPNs because they don't trust that everyone is continuously monitoring their data and you need to make your company reflect the trust that your customers are looking for.

    For your consideration,

    2 votes
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  7. Add Stealth Support to the Linux Client

    Hey Proton Team,

    Please implement this so it can be integrated into other projects, such as OpenWRT.


    20 votes
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  8. Make F1 TV compatibility available in other country than US server

    F1 TV compatibility should be available in other country than US. At least one country by continent. Because For European, it will be too slow to connect to US.

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  9. Please support hiding location for F1TV, it used to work, however they seem to have clamped down.

    Please support hiding location for F1TV, it used to work, however they seem to have clamped down.

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  10. Add more servers in Brazil

    Brazil has been facing some political problems because the president and the highest authorities of the Brazilian justice (STF) have an alignment of ideas with communism and dictators, it is essential that Proton seeks ways to circumvent future barriers in Brazil because they want to censor the internet and social networks, telegram for example has been experiencing problems with some frequency in brazil, and in addition brazil is a continental country, the current servers are all located in São Paulo, I suggest that they add more servers distributed in the main capitals of the country to improve connection speed (Rio…

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  11. Profiles: Allow selecting multiple servers

    It would be nice to change profiles to add a checkbox beside the servers in the list so we can select multiple servers to put in the profile and leave out others.

    Ex. I would like only Toronto Ontario servers nothing else in one profile.


    15 votes
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  12. Add criteria options for Quick Connect

    The "Quick Connect" button connects to the fastest available server; however, not all servers are made equal. If I want to connect to the fastest server that supports streaming, P2P, or Tor (or some combination thereof), then I have to go to the server list and manually compare available servers, then pick the one that is best. This is especially concerning with P2P, since even different servers in the same region don't consistently support it, and there's no easy way to see the supported features of the server you're connected to without finding it in the server list.

    It would…

    5 votes
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  13. Additional Options for ProtonVPN Profiles

    In ProtonVPN Profiles, I would like options for Kill Switch and Netshield, so those settings can be set independently for my various profiles.

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  14. Automatically changing VPN connections every X minutes

    Add a Textbox under profiles where one can enter the amount of minutes after which the VPN connects to another server

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  15. Make systemd dependency optional

    ProtonVPN NetworkManager Library has a hard dependency on systemd-python [].

    I'm upgrading ProtonVPN-CLI and packaging ProtonVPN-GUI in GNU Guix [], which doesn't have/use systemd.

    Could you please make the systemd optional or make seatd [] an alternative option?

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  16. Display the forwarded port number in the quick menu of ProtonVPN in the icon tray

    Display the forwarded port number in the quick menu of ProtonVPN in the icon tray.

    Currently, there is only the server name and IP address displayed. Please add the forwarded port number too.

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  17. افزایش تعداد سرورهای رایگان

    در کشوری مثل ایران که همه چیز فیلتره و امکان پرداخت هم به خاطرتحریم برای
    میسر نیست ازتون خواهش میکنم با اضافه کردن تعداد سرورهای رایگان به ماکمک کنید مردم

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  18. سلام دوستان . پروتون را نمی توانم در لپ تاپ باز کنم . شاید بدلیل اینترنت بسیار ضیعیف ایران است .

    پروتون روی گوشی بخوبی کار مینکند اگرچه بسختی . اما علیرغم طی کردن موارد خواسته شده نرم افزار و تائید آن . ولی در لپ تاپ باز نمیشود . تشکر میکنم از گروه شما . ما در ایران امکان خرید نداریم . اینجا همچی سانسور است . مثل برزخ شده ! بمردم ایران کمک کنید تا با امنیت به اخبار دسترسی داشته باشند .

    4 votes
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  19. ProtonVPN: better support for arm linux (Raspberry Pi, PinePhone, etc)

    ProtonVPN gui and cli can be installed on various operating systems running on different arm devices. It seems that Debian-based OSes like Raspberry Pi OS and Mobian cannot properly use either tool. The connection fails and ultimately you are unable to access the internet. In order to correct this you need to run:

    sudo nmcli connection delete pvpn-ipv6leak-protection

    as suggested here:

    It would be nice to see more devices/oses supported. Until then when the connection fails at least it should clear any connection leftovers automatically.

    13 votes
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  20. Bind the Kill Switch to specific programs

    Bind the Kill Switch setting to specific programs. For instance: Application "X" will terminate if VPN connection drops, even when switching servers.

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