Linux Client
Proton Drive really needs the ability to sync desktop files automatically. This post focuses on a Linux client for Proton Drive.

h commented
We are a lot of linux systems administrators in my circle, who all use protonmail since its superior in terms of privacy and security.
The only reason each and every single one of us do not have full payed accounts is the blatant lack of linux syncing support.
It would be a match made in heaven should you implement this feature.
Please consider implementing this.
John A. Ficke commented
Seriously Proton? How long have we been waiting for this?
Did you not notice the seismic shift away from closed source on November 5th?!
Will you maintain your position in the market? Or will someone else figure it out?
Zac Crawforth commented
I've switched my desktop over to Linux. Was surprised there's not a client for this already.
Nick J commented
Just adding my 2 cents. Having made the permanent switch from Win 10 (as it enters EOL) to Linux and wanting nothing to do with MS's dystopian plans for full-time recording of my system, having a ProtonDrive client on Linux would allow me to fully justify my Unlimited/Duo subscription and would allow me to eliminate my dependence on other paid cloud storage solutions.
R commented
There are no tenable business file sharing platforms without considerable loss of privacy and security, having PD for Linux-based OS's would make all the difference.
Proton business plan users for years.
Vijai Kumar commented
I have been a paid protonmail user for almost 4 years now. This would be an amazing feature as i only use Linux. It would help me backup stuff from my laptop and home server quite well. Please consider this quick.
Bastian Greshake Tzovaras commented
I just moved over to Proton, thinking it could replace all of my gsuite bits and then some but missed that there’s no drive client for Linux yet.
To truly ditch Google having it would be critical!
Punz Ket commented
The fact it doesn´t have a Linux client is a game changer in my case, so I am opting out for other providers :(.
If they got a full working linux client, I will happily come back. -
Timothy Dales commented
I'd be pleased with at least a rsync integration
Wernersson commented
Why is there still no native client for Linux after all these years? Proton constantly claims to be for privacy and an alternative to Big Tech - but treats the only free platform with complete neglect!!!
You want me to sign up for an expensive subscription? I would - like many others - but as long as I don't have a native all-in-one solution with mail, calendar, VPN AND Drive for Linux, I can't and won't.
clacsonduro commented
I bought a Proton Unlimited licence taking advantage of the 50% discount for this year just for tryng the services and to have only a provider for services that i need (mail, vpn and drive).
I'm a linux user, no others OS, and for my use case its mandatory to have a Drive application for linux, otherwise i will unfortunatly have to chance service providers the next year when the licence cost will be full priced.
Please! <3
ione commented
I am paying for a similar file sync service with a non FOSS client already. If you create a linux client I will switch. Hope you will!!!
Paolo commented
Any ETA for this? It has been asked since forever!
Thomas commented
Just brought the ultimate plan for a year cause it was 50% off and the features looked good. Pretty disappointed to see there is no linux client for drive. Hopefully we can get that to the top of the list.
Jobe Kewwo commented
This is essential, I can't justify upgrading to Ultimate plan if I can't even sync files from my PC.
Tomasz L commented
Missing any possibility to sync files on Linux is the only reason preventing me from buying Ultimate plan.
Sebastian commented
We are waiting way too long for important Proton Drive features like specific folder sync, Linux Client and many more. It's really a mess and I don't want to wait anymore so unforuntately I will have to stop my membership and switch to another provider.
András Kozák commented
Dear Proton!
It would be so much simpler to scan my documents and save directly to Proton Drive, instead of the workaround: using a browser to move my files around.
Fedora 41 user -
Davo commented
I just went back to the first comment in this thread. It was October 30, 2020. Four years plus. That's a long time to ignore (likely) tens of thousands, or hundreds of thousands, of customers.
Adam commented
Absolutely critical to have a Linux integration even if it's only for Debian and Fedora.