Manage user rights on shared files or folders
when sharing a folder or a file, it would be great to be able to choose the other users' rights, like:
- View only
- Modification of the file (or add/remove files for a shared folder)
- Resharing

Hi everyone, you can now securely and privately share files and folders with specific email addresses.
Easily assign collaborators as editors or viewers and revoke access at any time.
Rolling out now for the web (everyone should have access by tomorrow) and coming soon to other platforms.
MrGrieves09 commented
This is desperately needed for the iOS app. Hard to convince my partner to use the service instead of Google if she has to use a laptop or a web link...
Anonymous commented
Thank you for implementing this. Together with rclone, this made me pull the trigger to get Proton Unlimited.
Forged commented
Please can this be added properly to the iOS app and desktop clients?
My family/business need the iOS and desktop app/client to be able to share specific folders fully within the respective app/client (with the read/write options as you have provided so far integrated), rather than a shared folder only be accessible by a link to a webpage.
We already all use it and love it but that functionality will make drive infinitely more useful! -
user commented
Currently I share photos via messaging apps or email. I want to share photos without the user having to download separate copies.
I want to share a folder of photos with view only permissions as a gallery.
Ideally option to hide the download buttons, disable print screen, and disable right click context.
(I'm aware these can be circumvented with effort)
Alicia commented
To repeat here what I posted in a different, related request:
My family lives abroad and we want to have a shared folder for pictures, as we are archiving the family collection (generations of pictures!). I was really hoping that Proton Family could replace Google Docs this way.
Apart from that, maybe giving users in general the ability to grant access to other people (sorry to bring up the big evil G again but, yeah... just like G does, or in a similar way). I realize there's security features that Proton does much, much better, and with encryption and all these features aren't always as simple to implement as it seems to us laypeople/users. But it'd be a fantastic feature that would certainly help to retain me as a Family plan customer.
Leif Tangaa commented
This is a critical must. I was expecting this from the beginning.
soulton commented
@Christopher Schnobb Their priorities are privacy and security. End to end zero knowledge encryption. Some feature are likely tricky to implement in such a secure way. They've made leaps and bounds in progress since launching Drive (not that long ago really). These are great features and I hope they come soon but not at the cost of privacy/security. If you can't wait, I hear Google Drive has all the fancy features you're looking for, with no privacy! 🤭
Christopher Schnobb commented
How is this now a feature yet, Proton get your priorities straight.
At this point I feel like Proton is more concerned about implementing new products that are half done instead of making their products complete like ProtonMail originally.
ProtonPass is a prime example, we don't need another password manger, we need properly functioning Drive, Calendar and contacts!
Dan commented
I am in agreement with so many others. This is a critical feature. Silly me, I assumed (bad move) that a secure cloud storage feature offered by someone like Proton would certainly include good sharing features!
I migrated over 30k files to Proton Drive and was a wee bit shocked that I could not control sharing files and folders better.
I went crawling bak to OneDrive (holding my nose). Ugh! But I need some industry standard sharing features before giving Proton Drive a try again . . .
not-important commented
I signed up for Proton Family and was blindsided by the absence of this feature... I'm still on board with you Proton, and I know this must be very technically challenging. Please prioritize it as it seems a bit sketch to advertise a family plan which doesn't include practical file sharing functionality.
User Voice commented
Absolutely critical. Visionary acocunt holder writing here. I currently can't switch over several custom domains/teams from Google Drive to Proton because of this missing feature. Please highly prioritize this!
Epm30 commented
This is absolutely essential. Especially to migrate my family to Proton Drive.
Robert MacGregor commented
View-only disallows file download. This feature is present in Usage scenario: sharing material between a business and clients. Business team members can edit/download, some clients can edit, some clients can comment, everyone else can view only.
Julia R. commented
This gets me in the uncomfortable situation that I suggested this drive to others to work together on an important project and it does not fulfill the purpose after everyone installed it. I was not thinking about a possible lack of this feature in 2024.
Alex commented
to add to this feature: possibility to give upload rights to people receiving a link. This allows to collect pictures from a bunch of people who participated to an event together, or to organize events together. I believe this functionality is one of the things that keep people from moving completely from Google Drive... Please help us get rid of them for good!
GW commented
Also, downloading Proton Drive to a Mac is buggy. Can't get it to work so I'll be patient. Love what the Proton team is doing -- keep up the good work!
soulton commented
@Zeenos While I am confident the Proton team is competent and can and will implement this in due time, I think it is a fair bit more complicated than you realize. Look at their article on Proton Drive's encryption model and tell me it ain't complicated lol. I'd rather they take their time to ensure these features are implemented securely rather than rush it and get hacked. Patience... 🙏
Zeenos commented
Dear Proton-Team,
I have been a paying and happy customer for years, your service is close to perfect and as the others before me wrote this would be a critical feature to get your service to almost perfect for me.
Also it has been years since this feature was started to be requested and it aint that complicated I cant imagine.
Please consider adding this feature. Thank you. -
Gene commented
Proton Team, are you listening and can you give some kind of a response? Someone from last August in the comments section summarized it perfectly well when he said: "Why would you create a cloud drive where users can't upload to shared folders???????" The ability to have a shared drive for team members is a feature that needed to exist from day 1.
Fabian commented
Should be mandatory. That would lead me from PCloud or Tresorit to Proton Drive.