Sync Photos folder with desktop app
With the Android app we can now backup our photos to the Photos category/folder in Proton Drive and we can view these in the web app.
Please add the option to sync these photos to a computer folder with the
desktop app as well.

Ben commented
What? This is not possible? Oh dear...this is INDEED a dealbreaker! Please Proton: Tackle this is FAST as possible.
LyreM57 commented
As my peers, this feature is core
Jordan Robinson commented
Please sort this out - this is a core feature for any drive application
Mitchell Hollberg commented
Agree with the rest of the chorus below that it's ridiculous that we even have to ask for this 'feature'. This feels like table stakes.
Mabon commented
as above, please sort it out asap
Micheal Williams commented
Can't believe this was not included in winter/spring roadmap
IDEOS Paddos commented
a reason not to use proton...
Dennis commented
Deal breaker. Looks like I may go back to other services. Proton Drive and Proton Pass too early. Not on par with competition.
François commented
Must have on Mac OS thanks
Sebastian Smith commented
We definitely need this
David Beckett commented
Jon commented
Guys, please add Photos to the Desktop app. It makes no sense that it's not there. It should just be a Folder in the Files like every other cloud provider does...
Paolo commented
I Just realized that Photos uploaded from the phone on the Proton Drive cloud are then not synced to my Proton Drive app in my Windows computer.
This design choice makes no sense and it's incredible that it's a missing feature.
Please implement it ASAP -
Arno Nym commented
Wow, i didnt even question the existence of a cross device sync and currently I'm pretty disappointed, because this is a core feature missing!
Please rank this up!!! I want to access my docs from the PC on the go on my phone and vice versa see my mobile phone's pictures on the PC (See them on a bigger display, share them, edit them...)
What is an enduser supposed to do with the Proton drive clients - do a cloud backup use the file in the browser/download the manually?
EG commented
Je viens de m'abonner et je n'avais pas fait attention. Je ne peux pas passer complétement à Proton sans cette fonction. Fonction TRES IMPORTANTE !
Sebastian commented
We are waiting way too long for important Proton Drive features like specific folder sync, Linux Client and many more. It's really a mess and I don't want to wait anymore so unforuntately I will have to stop my membership and switch to another provider.
Your Name commented
This is actually unacceptable. If I had known about this limitation I would not have signed up for the premium plan. To view my photos on a computer I have to resort to an alternative method of copying them from the phone. This "feature" request is almost 12 months old and this critical functionality has not been implemented, yet.
I am pretty sure that this is the most used function and the expectation is to view photos on the desktop, not only via web or on the phone.
This has to change quickly.
TJ Ilves commented
Really waiting for this one. Without having photo backups in desktop, Dropbox still have it's place. Superb feature for photographers that should be number one option when offering photo backups. And sync with original date when photo taken, even better if creating folders like year-mm-dd.
Brian commented
I just signed up for proton and uploaded my photos. I was disappointed that there isn't a linux drive client, so I can't really get my photos back out on my main computer. Now this post is basically telling me there isn't a mac client either. I can't imagine who's paying for and backing up hundreds of gigs of data in a proton drive without photos -- drive client without photo access seems kind of pointless? Without a drive client I may not be able to renew, though I've already pre-paid for a year.
Kevin commented
I synced my photos to Proton Drive, but can only access them from the app or the browser. It would be really useful to see them in the Proton Drive Files to easy watch, sort, edit and delete them.