Proton Tasks / To-Do List
Task/ To-Do List

S commented
Please consider a standalone task manager or recurring task management integration with Standard Notes for users who need robust task management and consider linking these to Proton Calendar for users who prefer Google Tasks. I was using Things3 before I realized my data was not private and they are working to integrate AI in their software.
Anonymous commented
It's been almost ten years (10!!!) since Proton itself shared this idea. I assume it will be integrated with Standard Notes, but we really need this ASAP.
pipe2null commented
Other email/calendar services have a means to store ToDos, usually integrated into calendar functionality (like including due dates and such, with calendar-related alerts.)
I am a big fan of Todo lists, but due to de-googling my life, Im currently using manual todo lists on my eInk tablet. It works, but I'd rather have it in digital form that is much easier to manage, shift tasks around, have alerts for upcoming due dates, etc.
Honestly, I think this basic feature would be implemented prior to launching into competition with google docs/etc. But I also am looking forward to competing SECURE and PRIVATE solutions to Google Docs as well.
mopperle commented
Now this request is 2 years old and no status progress?
Jerry Steward commented
Please add this feature.
Anonymous commented
It should also accomodate a GTD (Getting Things Done)-workflow.
GG commented
The things is, I would love to use something like Tick Tick, but open source and end to end encrypted. That would be way out of scope for Calendar, and I wouldn't even use a calendar to-do feature. That is, unless it was fully featured so I could use manage all my tasks and projects in one place. Some things like this aren't worth developing and maintaining unless it can be a truly competitive product.
Brian Hodges commented
Agreed, one can technically not call itself a "Suite" unless you have a Tasks/Reminders and a Notes app.
Yes, I'm aware of Documents within Proton Drive, but that doesn't count.
zenif commented
This feature would be very useful, but please make sure there are widgets for both Android and iOS at release or it will not be really usable.
Nova Marlowe commented
Once again, PLEASE make this a feature ASAP. I have been a paying customer for years and am still waiting. Can we at least have an update on the ETA for this?
Mark commented
I fully support Proton's mission. Being able to use Proton Tasks instead of iOS Reminders would absolutely rock!
MrAl commented
Please prioritize this feature! There are literally no good, easy-to-use, and privacy friendly alternatives out there. At least if you need cross-platform and collaboration support. I've looked into all alternatives including tried hosting a few self-hosted ones. If Proton adds this feature I would immediately buy a Family plan and migrate my family to Proton.
Phillip commented
Pleeeease do this.
Laura Anderson commented
I'm very interested in seeing this feature!
Phillip commented
This would be extremely useful to me as I use Proton Calendar for all my to do lists.
innerds Tech commented
I'd love to have a Task/ to-do app that integrates into the Calendar app as task feature. Similarly, Google Tasks integrates with the calendar.
Brian Hodges commented
Needs to happen.
70series commented
Yes please, tasks/to-do lists (currently using Quire)
Oscar commented
To do list is as important as calendar. Actually it is easier to use
7xMtkg commented
A dumb idea just came to my mind.
Maybe if it was possible to create an event with no specified time (just a date), that would actually make that event a task?
Maybe if it was possible to create an event with no specified time nor date, that would actually make that event a note?
That way one could keep all kinds of 'reminder' type of things in a single app, which might be pretty convenient.
Is that even possible from coding perspective?