Proton Tasks / To-Do List
Task/ To-Do List

Rodger Wade Guillermo commented
This is an absolute MUST for me. My current workflow heavily relies on gcal utilizing both the traditional calendar aspects as well as the integrated tasks feature. Similar to how Google Tasks integrates into the calendar, it would be a big help to have to-do-list functionality baked into the calendar app as an intermediate step on the way to a fully fledged out calendar app (Like Todoist).
Klondike commented
This is very important to me, I cannot have a calendar without a to-do list
RK commented
Over 9 years and still waiting.
Proton also promised in a November 2022 blog post this "key" feature was coming soon and then promptly ignored it to launch new products.
Whether it's in the form of Google Tasks (calendar-based) or MS Outlooks Flags (email-based), this has been an obvious ask for almost a decade now.
I know they claim each product has its own team, but the glacial pace of development suggests otherwise. Like what's even the point of having a user voice portal when you're just gonna ignore the user's voice?
cat8x commented
I agree with Blah, tasks and Calendar Events serve two different purposes.
Proton Tasks with ToDoist functionality would add major value to the proton suite. Task databases are equally if not more important than calendars for privacy and security.
Competing with ToDoist is quite a challenge though, but seeing Proton Pass develop, I believe it is possible.
BruceB commented
I am a 'Newbe' and a senior and an average user of email, calendars, and to do list. I also favor a Proton task & to do list. I have been a “temporary” user of Yahoo mail for some time and am really done with these browser-based emails. I did a thorough comparison of the various email programs and decided Proton was the best of the lot even though it did not include a to do list.
I hope Proton keeps in mind while designing this product, it needs to create the product that appeals to both the average user and the power user.
So can anyone tell me what the status of Proton’s efforts to bring us this improvement?
Blah commented
Tasks and Calendar Events serve two different purposes. An Even is a commitment whereas tasks can be long-standing and can be independent from event or time of day.
If Proton takes up the task management scene, I would like Proton to have a standalone application for Tasks to compete with Todoist. I currently use Things 3 and deeply appreciate an app dedicated to being the best at doing one thing: project management.
Having Tasks inside a Calendar app just adds to bloat. What I like from apps like Things 3 is that I see my tasks (the main focus of the app), and then at the top it integrates with my calendar to show just the events throughout that day. You can't add events from the task manager app, and that's fine. I don't expect my Task Manager app to also be my event manager.
To add to this, having a standalone application for Task management means that we can have an app that is focussed on project management, dedicated UI for showcasing tasks appropriately, separating dates to complete something vs. the date that it's due. You can get a much more focussed experience when you have a dedicated app for tasks.
xyz commented
I'd find something like Todoist much more useful than, say, Google Keep and Tasks. It's not worth building unless you build out the full product, because, at least for me, I centralize all my tasks into a more powerful platform.
m3957 commented
If this ever gets created, I hope it feels like Todoist because I love this app. Also, an Easy Switch like feature would be really nice.
Ralph commented
Add a Proton task or to do list with due date similar to Google
Nova Marlowe commented
Please add a ( synced web / mobile ) reminders / task list section. If they could be integrated with the calendar ( eg due dates or ETAs / time frames / importance / urgency ) that would be awesome.
Also would be great to be able to share them with other proton mail users.
Arthur commented
Having this feature inside of proton Calendar would be really nice !
Leonardo commented
To be honest: I will not continue to use proton (having tested it for a few weeks now) only because of this. I do not understand, how you can concentrate expanding your product suite with VPN and Pass (next to many good alternatives) while not creating a todo-app and perfecting the mail-calendar-todo-combination on all devices.
I would suggest taking Google Tasks as a model with the "all-lists-on-one-board"-style. There should be labels too (in addition to categories = lists). And there should be a function to be reminded on a specific date.
If I get an E-Mail, I should be able to make a task or a calendar entry with one click (maybe a few more but only in cases I do not what e.g. the standard-todo-category set by myself prior).
EDIT: Task should be a different "program", as should be the calendar. I should be able to open calendar, task and mail at the same time (on three screens or a screen divided). Tasks is not just a feature of a calendar!
Marco commented
I don't use Proton Calendar because the task feature is still missing... the task feature is the only missing piece before I can use it.
It is the most requested feature for Proton Calendar. Please integrate it. Thank you!
FRANCISCOH commented
Proton Team, what are you waiting for? It's been under review for 18 months!, It was originally requested in 2015!, 3,000+ votes!
Integrating a Proton Task/To-Do feature to Proton Mail and Proton Calendar is the only roadblock left to finally get rid of Google / Microsoft intrusive services.
The day you guys manage to integrate this feature you will have a surge in usage/new subscribers. I'm sure you will. -
vjf commented
I use ms-ToDo with Outlook Calendar to manage adding tasks and scheduling my day.
This is far more important than Critical for me, in order to compleatly get over Proton, and subscribe a family account to manage my life and family activities -
Ricardo commented
C Johnson commented
I am making it work for now with emails by sending them to my self and using tags and folders to organize them but it would be AMAZING if you had the actual task list available.
This was posted in 2015 and has been in review for at least 2 years and was in the road map in 2022.... When will this roll out?????
Lucas Soares commented
This is a must. I would also love if tasks could have starting and end date. Tasks don't need to be single day, some of my tasks I take 1-2 weeks to finish and don't know exactly when I'm gonna finish it.
Tekat Verowe commented
This is a MUST if I am going to transfer my complete virtual office from Outlook to here.
There is just no way in heck I would ever be able to consider this Proton suite thusfar as just a work-in-progress, and not really ready for the real world yet (outside of those that ONLY need high level security emails).
Ben commented
Absolutely a must. Turn Emails into Tasks or Calendar items!