Lifetime plan
I find paying 4 euros per month too expensive.
I would suggest adding the possibility to buy more features like adding more addresses, more filters rules or more GB for life.

Thisboyisgeek commented
Here you can find unlimited Emails with far cheaper rates but then you won't get pgp etc etc on it. You will have to get it working using Thunderbird + enigmail
Vikram commented
To resonate with many people here all I need is custom domain support and i am golden would gladly pay £2-3 for that.
zulu commented
As you can read here: (topmost comment) there won't be any separate accounts under a PLUS subscription. You will need to buy the future professional plans, which are ridiculously expensive:
"Professional plans will be priced at $8/month per account and you can add as many accounts as you want. So for 2 people, two professional accounts would be $16. For 3-5 users, the Visionary plan is the best deal because that is fixed at $24/month." (Admin)
That's 192$/year for two separate accounts and 288$/year for three or more separate accounts. So please back this feature request:
Cindy commented
I'd like to know how a basic user who is willing to pay a smaller amount to be able to get just one or two extra features (e.g. a small raise in storage, or an extra folder or two) is asking for free email? It is already free with basic. As for what is affordable, that varies greatly with circumstances. When I was university teaching, I would have paid the $50 in a heartbeat. Now, living on Social Security, I cannot afford even $30 a year. $10-20 is the best I can do. That's still $10-20 more than if I stay with basic. How much does it cost Protonmail to give a little more storage? Or to increase the folder limit a bit?
I truly feel that Protonmail will make significantly more money by adding one or two lower price levels so that we can all climb on board according to our needs and income level.
Anonymous commented
Having read through this thread and then all of the planned and in process improvements, I think that $4/month $48/year is a steal. If I can replace all the closed source, third-party controlled apps...Evernote, Dropbox, GoogleDrive..etc with one secure service that is Zero Knowledge and puts the power into my hands, I would pay twice the price.
Offred commented
Also, the plans price options are not realistic. Most of us in out hearts would love to be Visionary Supporters. It is simply not a realistic option as many have already mentioned. My suggestion is 3 realistically priced plans. Basic free plan, a lower priced plus plan, and a higher priced Premium plan.Something like
Basic: Free
Plus: $3 monthly / $30 annually ( $2.50 per month)
Premium $5 monthly / $54 annually ($4.50 per month)This pricing becomes a more inclusive offering, leaving an entry for all economic levels.Which, in the end, amounts to greatly increased revenue for the service.
*Features for Plus plan would decrease slightly. But those who already purchased a year of service would be grandfathered in to their plan, for the remainder of their paid year. Then, they either stay with their current plan, with reduced cost and reduced features, or move up one level and pay the slightly higher cost to get even more features.
Offred commented
Someone wrote that they are a paid user, so they are subsidizing others who use the service for free. Let's take an example: If Joe pays $5 per month, and Tom uses the service for free, the revenue for the payment would account for both of them as $2.50 each per month. Now, if you lower the basic plan fee to $3, and Tom chooses the basic plan to help support the service, you now have 2 people paying $3, for a total of $6 per month. No more need to subsidize many users, and the service receives more revenue than before!
I'm sure many people who now use the service for free, would be happy to pay $3 monthly, or $30 annually ($2.50/month)
Just another perspective.
Anonymous commented
Great suggestion, that's what they shoud do (plus be more user-friendly, transparent and fast)! Of course here are some people from the developed countires and for them it's just a few bucks. But not for all of us at all! Especially for me as a student... I would like to have the same functionality + more storage or (ideally) the IMAP/SMTP/download support.
Oblo commented
I disagree. I'd rather pay a reasonable amount (try running your own mail server for $50/year) for a service than see advertisements or have the service shut down because it wasn't sustainable.
Dagger commented
I disagree. The existing Plus plan is perfectly reasonable in price. If you can't afford that, those of us who pay are supporting your ability to use it for free. And you are always welcome to make donations if you wish to contribute in some way.
William commented
A price break for lifetime accounts sounds reasonable. I'm currently transferring my primary email communication to Protonmail and expect to be using it for at least that long.
Robman commented
At the current rate, thirty years of using protonmail would cost me $3000. There is no way I can I justify that.
Michaela commented
Yes! Us students want to support you while getting some value out of paying too. Making donations makes feel guilty sooner for one with a tight budget. It would be awesome to have for example, choose one plus feature for 2$/month -plan etc. For example I have no need for many plus features, I've only used 2mb/500mb but I'd love to have more aliases and domains
Michaela commented
Yes! Us students want to support you while getting some value out of paying too. Making donations makes feel guilty sooner for one with a tight budget. It would be awesome to have for example, choose one plus feature for 2$/month -plan etc.
Mauro commented
Micropayments can be a nice idea or a package between the free and the plus. Price like Tutanota could be a good idea.
HeyYou commented
Thanks for the info Sam I'll do that
Sam commented
Email contact [ a t ] protonmail [d o t ]ch. They have a waiting list. I was on the waiting list for about a week before I was contacted to inform me one was available.
HeyYou commented
During the last round of fundraising I wanted to buy a Lifetime Account but I was short on money and had other bills to take care of at the time. Please make Lifetime Accounts a permanent feature that people can buy anytime. This will create a steady flow of money for improvements and upgrades on a regular basis. For those that are on a tight budget they can save the money over the course of several months or a year knowing for sure that they can buy their Lifetime Account when they have the money. Presently I don't have any large expenses and could buy a Lifetime Account if they were made available sometime soon.
While offering full price monthly, yearly and Lifetime Accounts all the time ProtonMail could also have a promotion with slightly discounted monthly, yearly and Lifetime accounts for a limited time. Kind of like how Amazon offers reduced Prime Memberships once a year for a limited time, I know a few people that wait until the Amazon Prime promotion to renew their membership.
Even if ProtonMail won't have promotions to encourage more paid subscribers I think offering Lifetime Accounts all the time would help ProtonMail be able to grow and develop faster and become a stronger presence in the secure email market. Thanks
Chris commented
I don't think it's too expensive for Plus accounts, quite reasonable I feel. But I do think the jump from plus accounts to Visionary is way to wide a gap. Also, are family accounts still in the process? Cause yes, while the family may not be super concerned about privacy, thats more people that would actively be using the service, and not yahoo or gmail or something. Would like to see the family multiuser support rolling out so we can put family members together on a single domain and have stuff together.
User commented
Exactly, I think for many users there should be a cheaper option. For me the main thing it to be able to use it long-term. Which means more storage or (cheaper for developers) the ability to download and then delete the e-mails. Or forcing all users to pay, let's say 1 euro per moth (at least for students)