Temporarily store 2-step verification
As it’s already (welcome) extra work to enter two passwords, could 2-step verification be implemented so that known devices would only need to be verified again every 30 days or so?
At the moment, with 2-step verification enabled, even a page reload triggers triple authentication, which makes the added security a poor experience.

David Garcia commented
This could be problematic as 2FA is there precisely to protect your account. If you want easy access to your account, wouldn't be enough if you don't drop your cookie?
José Ferreira commented
I would just like to point out that in the beta (beta.protonmail.com) it remembers both the password and 2FA, at least in last 3 days that I have been using it. On the bridge app it just requires a master password for your password manager. This is very inconsistent behavior.
I also think that it's best to remember the device for a given period of time, preferably user defined, for the 2FA but require a login password each time we open the mail client and recommend the users to use password managers, that way only one password had to be inserted.
Tony McCrary commented
Why hasn't proton mail addressed this serious usability flaw? If the company can't fix something simple like this, how secure is the code running the email and vpn services?
Anonymous commented
4 years later still nothing new about this, :( what a bad user experience to enter password + 2FA every single time you open pm in a new tab (can't even let the computer sleep !) meanwhile you stay connected easy peasy on android app.. this is really annoying every day.
The support told me it's all about security and they're working on a "remember me" feature but there such little info about this (no roadmap, no eta, ..). This is a must have feature every single other service on the internet already have.. -
Anonymous commented
+3. Can't believe this is not an option yet. This is really the one thing I hate about protonmail as primary mail. I'm a bit disappointed there hasn't been a response from the developers to this (and some other) suggestion, although it's there for years.
Ian commented
Honestly a little surprised that this was suggested almost 4 years ago and still isn't here. Would like to hear from the team if this is something that's on the roadmap at all.
Roberto Mastrofrancesco commented
We need this. Voting here hoping someone sees.
Anonymous commented
I miss this so much! I hugely dislike authenticating again and again on the same device
Brian McGroarty commented
DreamHost implements this nicely. The default is not to remember the device. But the user can choose to remember the device for one week or one month. This option is presented when the user is prompted for a TOTP token.
Anonymous commented
Absolutely, there needs to be a Keep Me Singed In (KMSI) option for MFA. Or at least an 'Add as trusted device' so we are not prompted to enter MFA every time the browser restarts or the PC is rebooted.
Anonymous commented
I turned off 2FA because of this, makes experience very poor. Would be awesome to see this feature added!
Anonymous commented
+1 for this issue ! So annoying. I think I will turnoff 2FA because of that. Please change that !
Anonymous commented
Just +3 this one. This is a bit of turnoff when using the webclient.
Daniel commented
I actually had to turn of 2FA due this issue, I mean is insane have to do verification every time I open the email o the same browser... As is, 2FA is actually useless because most of the people will be force to turn it off. I would love to have 2FA that I can actually use...
Anonymous commented
Please allow us to use 2FA. Remember device is a MUST! (should be for 3days or something, not forever since that is a bad idea too)
Shuki commented
ool commented
Just adding a +1. Please add this feature.
gjwolfswinkel commented
The lack of this feature is stopping me from switching to Protonmail as primary mail client for my custom domains.
Ali commented
A very much needed feature. I just created and account and found it very cumbersome to enter the code every single time i log in.
Anonymous commented
I've been wanting to primarily use ProtonMail for years and the lack of this feature has dissuaded me from doing so.