Official F-droid Repository
It would be nice to have an official F-droid repo for all protonapps.
This way all apps would easily stay up-to-date without using the google playstore (or the aurore store)
Thanx for considering!

P. Y. commented
Having an official F-Droid repo would mitigate the security problems with the main repository. At least you can download the individual apks from their official site using Obtainium. However, I think Proton should focus on the (currently in development) Accrescent store instead.
pipe2null commented
I have had a paid Proton account for many years, and De-Googling my life is difficult enough as it is.
Please fix this, and publish all Apps via FDroid. I need auto updates for apps, and aurora is unreliable in general.
johann3z commented
I am a Proton user with the visionary plan for my family and we are using google-free and open source LineageOS (no google store) + F-Droid app store + five Proton apps installed on our Android devices.
We are very happy with the complete open source system, for us it is possible and convenient only thanks to the Proton ecosystem.
It is great that ProtonVPN and Proton Pass are already available from the F-Droid app store's official repository! Though only after the "Include anti-feature apps" --> "Other Anti-features" option is enabled from the F-Droid settings (why is that?).
All other Proton apps are available only by manually downloading the apk files from the Proton's homepage - it is not only unconvenient especially if many devices/family members but there is also a risk some apps stay outdated for a very long period of time like happened to me.. Therefore it could be also considered as a security risk?
I am surprised that open source Proton has not got it's own android and linux repositories yet. Not a difficult task, or is it?
Proton has won it's users trust for being open source, it would be nice if it could promote the open source philosophy by supporting the open source community itself? Strange is e.g there is still no Proton Drive client for the Linux platform etc.
Looking patiently very much forward to good news!
protonvoter commented
Please add APKs in releases for Obtainum users, like VPN and mail already do.
Consider putting your apps on the Accresent Store aswell. -
Phillip commented
I would really like the calendar app on F-Droid especially.
Citizen commented
There are a few apps over F-droid, but yeah, the goal is to reduce the exposure from google, and there is the possibility they will try to block Aurora store just like they are doing for alternative youtube clients and manifest v3.
While it's possible to download the apps directly from proton's website, there is currently no good way to update the apps without going through google's services.
[Deleted User] commented
It would be great to have an F-Droid repo
Because we don't know if Aurora Store will be with us in the long run, and for now that's the only option for Proton users to have a DeGoogled phone -
protonSuggestions commented
This would be wonderful, I hate only being able to download VPN and Pass from F-Droid!
ksk7x commented
Absolutely needed!! If privacy is really valued for proton users why use the google/apple stores add/require tracking data to the apps. Why track our data? I use only web client on android/apple mobile apps because of this issue. Its pretty sad that we have to request this issue that all apps should be on F-droid. This shows that Proton does not truly support privacy for subscribers.
Édouard commented
I really agree with this suggestion. Given how popular Proton services have become, providing the option to get the app from an alternative repository to Google Play own could go a long way for privacy dissemination. And from a user standpoint, it is clearly more reliable for those with de-googled Android devices to get their apps from F-Droid than Aurora (which can sometimes prove unreliable).
Erik van Luxzenburg commented
And if you create an official F-droid repository, please make the option available to opt for beta apps and update this repository before the Google Store is updated!
. commented
Why do they need their own F-Droid repo? They should use the main repo. If their apps don't comply, they should make them comply, not make their own repo.
Maybe as a stopgap until they're ready for the main repo?
AB commented
It would be nice, but Proton VPN on F-droid doesn't work:
- Get the latest app from Play Store > Enable Split Tunneling > Exclude Android Auto > Android Auto works
- Get the latest app from F-Droid > Enable Split Tunneling > Exclude Android Auto > Android Auto does not work (the connection fails and the Android Auto complains about a VPN being active)If we get Proton apps on F-Droid (which I'd very much like), we also need a way to make sure they work identically.
Chris commented
Some Proton Apps are available through GitHub, but not all of them.
The apps are also available through the official Proton Website, but this way it is hard to keep track of updates.Would be nice to have all the Proton Apps available through one repository. Be it F-Droid or GitHub!
Mike commented
Please, let us degoogle...
Dasi commented
Yeah. Wee need F-Droid repo!
Miquel commented
Please do you research on F-Droid, next already given here I saw in the comments is the best option direct download apk use Obtanium for updates. Search on YT Side of Burritos skip all those food channels search for one tech guy who teach all about the how to.
Gus commented
Guys, move your votes here:
MyVoice commented
Definitely !
[Deleted User] commented
Definitely for this! @secnetsys: How is Google Play "official" in the first place? My version of Android does not come with Google Play, or Google Play Services. And other Android phones, it depends on the vendor what kind of store they preinstall. But a preinstalled store is not necessarily the best one or even a good one.
With F-Droid, Proton could just create their own repository. How would it be bad cyber hygiene to get your Proton apps directly from Proton? Without depending on Google or somebody else.