Support more languages (including right-to-left)
Support More Languages (Including Right-To-Left)

Julian Dumitrascu commented
You can talk with people who share your values:
Matt commented
Or just add Right-to-left direction editing for emails and the calendar.
Eloy commented
I support @Laureano's post from January 16th, 2022:
"As you know, in Spain there are millions of people who don’t have Spanish as their mother tongue. That’s why I think it would be interesting for Proton to translate its products into Galician (
I could help in this task (and I’m sure there are many other people in Galicia that would be glad to do so too) and then spread the news in the media in Galician, like,,,, or, among many others."I would add that Galician is a minorized language and declared a language to protect on the corresponding European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages of the Council of Europe.:
-info ->
-pdf version->
-languages covered ->, I think Galician and any other languages represented in that Chart should be allowed for representation, to be respectful of the true spirit of the Proton initiative and the primal internet in which information was to empower the people and not to control it.
Anonymous commented
When is it decided when new translated languages becomes added to Proton Mail and Proton Calendars? I see on the translation page that there's quite a few that has a high percentage translated that are not selectable within the application (such as my native language Swedish 96%/42%) but Danish are (90%/0%)?
Cyril SOUDRY commented
Proton est Suisse.
En Suisse, les langues officiels sont :
- Allemand
- Français
- Italien
Proton veut séduire l'international alors il est traduit en Anglais.
Proton devrait donc avoir tous ces écrans, ces notifications dans ces 4 langues.
Il protone è svizzero.
In Svizzera le lingue ufficiali sono:
- Tedesco
- Francese
- Italiano
Proton vuole sedurre l'internazionale, quindi è tradotto in inglese.
Proton dovrebbe quindi avere tutte queste schermate, queste notifiche in queste 4 lingue.
Proton ist Schweizer.
In der Schweiz sind die Amtssprachen:
- Deutsch
- Französisch
- Italienisch
Proton will das Internationale verführen, also wird es ins Englische übersetzt.
Proton sollte daher alle diese Bildschirme haben, diese Benachrichtigungen in diesen 4 Sprachen.
Proton is Swiss.
In Switzerland, the official languages are:
- German
- French
- Italian
Proton wants to seduce the international so it is translated into English.
Proton should therefore have all these screens, these notifications in these 4 languages.
----- -
Anonymous commented
In the fight for democracy and eventually the ousting of a dictator, this is critical.
Gentleman Mr. Jaroslav Hric commented
Good day. Dobrý deň.
Tuesday 24 May 2022, Utorok 24. Mája 2022
"All roads lead home!"
"Democracy dies when censorship occurs!"
"Všetky cesty vedú Domov!„
"Demokracia zomiera, keď dôjde k cenzúre!„
Proton Mail, Proton VPN, Proton Calendar, Proton Drive
Translation into language Slovak, Slovak Republic ???
Preklad do jazyka Slovenčina, Slovenská republika ???
Thank you for understanding.
A greeting
Gentleman Mr. Jaroslav
Moriko Vũ commented
Hello. We need all available services in Vietnamese language.
Spike Anar commented
Maybe translate pages in French, German, Spanish...
Heorhi Puhachou commented
Belarus language is language of democracy belarusians that not support aggression and war. To support them will be good provide possibility to select native language. Now not all belarusians would like to use Russian language and not all knows English language.
Please add possibility to select Belarus in language settings.
Laureano commented
As you know, in Spain there are millions of people who don’t have Spanish as their mother tongue. That’s why I think it would be interesting for Proton to translate its products into Galician (
I could help in this task (and I’m sure there are many other people in Galicia that would be glad to do so too) and then spread the news in the media in Galician, like,,,, or, among many others. -
Erwin Sloboda commented
Erwin Sloboda commented
Laureano commented
A translation of Proton Mail and Calendar into Galician ( would be an excellent idea! If necessary, I could help with this task.
Anonymous commented
many korea people need language.
plz add language.
bigfish commented
It's a bit disappointing that the newly reorganized UI doesn't support Korean.
The reason I think this is because the number of supported languages has increased significantly with the reorganization, but Korean is not there..Please add Korean.
Thank you.
GhostLXXXV commented
The language Swedish is needed! Since many Swedes has started to use ProtonMail.
אברהם צבאן commented
It would be great for me (Hebrew native speaker).
I was so glad to see that, that I have voted +1 even though it is already planned. -
Mahdi Zareie commented
Yes it would be great, many people in Iran and other Farsi/Persian speakers could benefit from this.
I can help with the translation, if there are any platform for crowd sourcing, it would be great to share it -
4mi commented
Support the Dano-Norwegian alphabet.