Proton Pass
1481 results found
Receive login details from third party and add to Pass
A feature that I can send to my clients so they can securely share WordPress admin and Google Analytics login info with me.
1 vote -
Usefull shortcut to copy data with other format
When we click to copy something like "credit card number" or "expiration date", there is some issue with the experience.
Exemple 1 : I click on my credit card number to copy it, that will copy with blank space like : 1234 5678 9123 4567, but some website just want the number without blank so that cut the last numbers => 1234 5678 912______
Example 2 : When I click on Expiration date, you give with format mm/yyyy, but every website uses the format mm/yy
So that so annoying, every time need to change by myself, I think a shortcut…
2 votes -
Recovery file
Possibility to save recovery file.
9 votes -
Improve saving new and generated passwords
I am a new user and this has happened a couple times to me already. When I create a new account for a website, the browser addon does not automatically save my new username and the auto-generated password that the addon itself generates! So you end up creating an account with a password that you have to immediately reset.
In another comment you responded that "You can visit the settings menu to view recently generated passwords. On the web app, the password is also copied to the clipboard."
I am sorry but this is a deal-breaker. I don't want to…
1 vote -
2 votes
Browser app lock and unlock from phone
A thing i would love but totally understand it might be too much work to do is a way to lock the browser addon, and can only be activated with a time limit from my phone. So when one tries to use my Proton Pass browser app, the app sends a notification to my phone and asks me, if i allow the access. If allowed, then it works like it is right now, except with like a 10 min time limit, but if not approved, then nothing is accessible.
4 votes -
Add Importing of Secure Notes
Switching to Proton Pass from other services would be a lot more motivating if Secure Notes were also imported. Losing half of your data or having to reenter in data deters new sign-ups to Proton Pass.
To be able to accomplish this, I think custom fields in Secure Notes will also be necessary.
5 votes -
Autofill on browserplugin dropbox selecteable with shortcuts (arrow keys + enter)
It should be possible to select a certain element in the dropdown box of the plugin just with the keyboard.
5 votes -
Different protection level for each vault
For wallet 1 fingerprint will unlock.
For wallet 2 you will need fingerprint and additionally Yubikey/Authentikator to unlock.2 votes -
Import from Yandex Browser
An import from csv file from yandex browser.
4 votes -
generate password in input field
popup that allows you to generate a password automatically in the corresponding field when an account is going to be created -on any page-
so far, only one page has suggested that I use an automatically created password, for the rest I had to open the extension to generate it, or use another extension
6 votes -
Better hotkey support for browser extensions
Currently on Brave (v1.52.130) and the current extension hotkey command doesn't seem to do anything. I would love if there were hotkey(s) to autofill forms.
5 votes -
Proton Storage Bonus for Pass Plus
A little bonus would be nice.1 vote -
Import .gpg files from password-store
Support importing .gpg files created from password-store.
Official website: votes -
Autofill for Cromite
Add support for Autofill in the Cromite browser (org.cromite.cromite) in Proton Pass.
2 votes -
5 votes
Export as a text file from web app.
Ability to export passwords as a text file using proton pass web app.
1 vote -
Star password to always display first for selected vault
While displaying a list of recently used entries is good. It would be nice to "force" my own "always display first" option by "staring" multiple entries.
2 votes -
Public missing auto-fill list
Please create a public list of pages that do not autofill, along with browser/OS/version information. Let the community add pages that don't work and vote on pages that are important to them to better focus development.
Proton often talks about their community driven development, so this could be a great opportunity to show that. Of course, creating and managing this list shouldn't take too much development time, so an existing solution like GitHub could be used.1 vote -
solution for adding other password managers (like norton)
while the devs work on getting more password managers compatible here is all you need to do is edit your csv file in exel to the correct format.
1. dowload the csv from another password manager
2. try to upload it by clicking on its from another password manager.
3. it then tells you what order and the name of each colm need to be.
4. edit this in exel to be the exact name it says and order
5. upload it again and it should all word!5 votes
- Don't see your idea?