Tags to organize entries
I've used 1Password and Bitwarden. They are both lack of generic feature - organization of entries.
Dealing with Search is a great way. But just full text search makes search results somekind of mess.
Having ability to Tag passwords and other entry types will make UX much better:
- search results can be ranked by tag names, titles and only then other fields
- ability to Pin tags into sidebar can be very handy (do not list all the available tags like 1Password do - it's useless)
- tags help to create many view perspectives onto my data
Please do not implement Folders like Bitwarden do. It is so restrictive. Implement tags instead with special UI so that specific tags could behave like folders (because many users prefer folders).
Jon A. commented
Tags are the main reason I am sticking with 1Password for now.
Marcel commented
Tags are a must! Searching for entries that have the same name is a mess. The current categories (passwords, cards, etc are not enough).
Mr Bagels commented
I much prefer tags over folders as they are more flexible. They can also be used to simulate folders for those that prefer a simpler way of organizing their stuff.
And with a smart UI, tags can even be used to simulate subfolders, which would give us the best of two worlds, imo.
Chris commented
I have really come to depend on tags in 1password, not just for myself, but as an easy means to communicate with others in shared vaults. I'm enjoying Proton Pass, but definitely wish tags were an available feature.
Farbror Stig commented
It would be great if the tags were visible in the item list as well
oswin commented
Yes! By the way, if anyone's looking for a folder-based request, the ticket for that is here: https://protonmail.uservoice.com/forums/953584/suggestions/46864294
craig mcmillan commented
tags FTW - simple, but so much more flexible than folders
Mats commented
Super important feature!
Rick Pagels commented
Bad enough having to give up having 22 types of items in 1password, and downsizing to only 5 types in Proton Pass, so having a way to organize would be a huge help!
Luca Berti commented
There must be a way to assign one or more tags to each stored element.
Gerard commented
This is truly a must. I work in tech support and save client logins for a while as cases can go on for many days. Since moving to Proton Pass I have had to use a separate Vault to keep those separate from my main account, but the extra clicks each time are killing my flow..
At the very least, could there be a dropdown for Vault Selection in the “ Save password” modal window that pops up?
Renoir Boulanger commented
I remember having written the message on December 31st, but can't find the same account. Oh well. Voting :)
Michał Fita commented
The only reason I decided to pay for Proton Mail are tags for e-mails - I can't live without them to deal with e-mails. Folders don't work. I stuck with GMail for too long, but tags makes Proton Mail only viable alternative.
Trick is I need the same feature for my passwords, credentials and identities and secure notes. Bitwarden lacks tags and their folder implementation is very poor at most (you can add stuff to only existing folders that need to be created apriori in settings - nonsense). Vaults are good for sharing, but in them I'd like to keep some sensible arrangements as well.
Renoir Boulanger commented
Category or directory is great for the main kind.
But with tags we can reuse between entries help with managing complexity.
- Tag is any word(s)
- Describe the meaning we’re giving it
- optional noteBecause at the moment to organize we have either to use note field, re-reate custom field manually, or cram info in the password entry name (and often forget the tags we’ve created and their meaning)
For example:
- “Crit;” Critical accounts (things that many other things depend),
- “UnU;” Unused (for accounts we can’t delete but don’t want compromised because we can’t change fields we want to make private or can’t delete the account because the site doesn’t support),
- “MFA;” MFA (has a TOTP authenticator secret),
- “MFAPSK1;” (Has MfA but with a Physical Security Key, the #1 is bound to this account. We will have many FIDO2 hardware tokens over time not only one, and probably not all be paired)
Those labels and cryptic words are because we have to cram them in some way in the entry name.
For example, I’d have entries looking like:
- “SM Meta Facebook ~[MFA;MFAPSK1;Identity;”
- “AirCanada / Aeroplan / Bob”
- “AirCanada / Aeroplan / Alice”
- “Amazon AWS ~[Firewall;MFA;MFAPSK1;PSK;”
- “Amazon Audible ~[Subscribed;”
- “Netflix ~[Sub;UnU;MFA;”
- “Adobe Photoshop CS ~[SL;MFA;”
- “Microsoft GitHub ~[Repo;MFAPSK1;SC;”
- “GitLab ~[Repo;MFA;SC;OSS;”
- “Atlassian Bitbucket ~[Repo;SC;”
- “IBM RedHat Quay.io ~[Repo;OSS;”In the above, I want to make sure all social media are sorted together (in the same vault or not), and Meta has many. The ~[ is to say that the rest of the name is a semi-colon separated list of acronyms
Having a tag, optionally link to a note, but importantly tell what the tag mean would be amazing!
The feature doesn’t have to be too complex. Just words or acronyms we can create, and tell our own meaning and tick per password entry.
Would be useful too for password hygiene and chores such as when we might need to phase out a YubiKey for another.
There are other types of labels/tags we might want:
- Subscriptions we are keeping,
- Subscription service we are no longer using,
- Manufacturer we want to keep a relationship for recalls and product support
- Governement for taxes, water bill, income tax, city tax, - Governemental or municipal services, such as Library, etc.
- Home Service provider for things related to home: Internet Service provider, Cell phone, Electricity, TV, Gas,
- Work related things
- MFA and which a physical (YubiKey 1, or …) or a time based and where (YubiKey stored TOTP, or 2FAS, or another Authenticator app)
- Linked with (or Login with) which account, we may have more than one Google,Apple,Microsoft account and bound login to it for authentication, how can we keep track which ones depend on which account
- Linked with Facebook account, or LinkedIn, or X-Formerly-Twitter (same as above)
- Passwordless, supports passwordless but mot used, etc.
- Passkeys and which? Is it with iCloud, the main one, or it’s with Hello, or FIDO2 or another way? (Similar to passwordless, but different wording)
- support Physical Security Keys but we haven’t paired one yet
- Which set of security questions (maybe a link to a note for that tag) so we can make up our answers instead of using real life that appeared in a data breach and have now to change
- Incomplete password hint some Critical account, maybe we would prefer not store the full password. Leave a hint. Maybe that unsaid hint is for a complex unique password and is the suffix at the end.
- Repositories where we push code or packages or images
- Open Source Software repository from which we push open source contributions and push maintenance we make
Pyro commented
As many have said tags would allow much more flexible password grouping and organization.
Gravel commented
In my opinion, vaults are not the most practical way of organising and sharing our passwords.
The advantage of tags for classification is that they allow several organisations. Who hasn't been embarrassed to choose to classify an email in the subject A or subject B folder when the email refers to subjects A and subject B? With tags, you add the 2 tags to the email and the problem is solved. We need to do the same thing with our items in ProtonPass. Classification is just one of the many uses offered by tags
For sharing, tags would also enable something that doesn't seem possible today. How do we share passwords A and B with group 1 and passwords B and C with group 2, knowing that a password can only be present in one vault? How do we manage access for password B? Using tags, we could create a group1 tag which we would position on passwords A and B and a group2 tag on passwords B and C.
With tags, it would also be easy to identify all the accesses of a user or a group with a simple search on the tag.
Jm commented
I used tags to group password in the past. It is almost impossible to structure and sort without tags. Without tags and other common features in other password managers, Proton Pass may always be behind what user already have and use in other solutions. Time to keep up.
Opensource and security is great, but going back in usability would be a big step.
voyager2bird commented
I'd prefer tags over folders. Tags are more versatile especially if smart search is included to show existing tags when typing.
The ability to store multiple tags per record is key. Tags are a requirement for me to migrate.
uservoiceexpanse commented
I have imported from 1Password without realizing it would not stay organized. I like having the tag or label feature because I can click it and see only the details needed for that tag/label. This is very critical to me due to organizational needs.
Jason commented
I agree. If users are expected to migrate hundreds of passwords away from 1Password, metadata tags are a critical feature.