Tags to organize entries
I've used 1Password and Bitwarden. They are both lack of generic feature - organization of entries.
Dealing with Search is a great way. But just full text search makes search results somekind of mess.
Having ability to Tag passwords and other entry types will make UX much better:
- search results can be ranked by tag names, titles and only then other fields
- ability to Pin tags into sidebar can be very handy (do not list all the available tags like 1Password do - it's useless)
- tags help to create many view perspectives onto my data
Please do not implement Folders like Bitwarden do. It is so restrictive. Implement tags instead with special UI so that specific tags could behave like folders (because many users prefer folders).

DavidF commented
Yes, tagging would help. I can't believe that it doesn't exist. I want to move from Lastpass, but there are many shortcomings of PP that make it a no-go. Also, I don't understand the limit of Vaults, or (maybe, better yet) I don't understand where there aren't subfolders in the Vaults. Because I want to really organize my accounts (as I move away from Lastpass) and PP doesn't have that capability.
To me, both sub-folders, tags, and increasing the number of Vaults should be an IMMEDIATE APPROVAL by their Development Staff. It's hard for me to understand what are the reasons why not. Because they don't have sub-folders in Vaults, which is a drawback that can be overcome with multiple vaults. Yet, you can get to 50 Vaults very fast, if you organize your stuff really well.
Rebecca Lynch commented
For right now I'm making multiple vaults. I have a single user account so I can make it work, but I migrated from 1Password and I do miss the tags! Thanks.
Tad Endo commented
In addition, I want to create a sub-tag (tags under a tag) to manage more. For example, I want to Tag "Travel" and manage all travel related passwords and identify. Then I want to add "Travel/Airline" tag under "Travel" to see only Airline related passwords.
Glen Coco commented
I initially came here to cast my vote for folders (and I have), but I'm in agreement that tags may be a better, more flexible way to go.
While using Bitwarden, I've gotten lost trying to find where I saved entries that could fall under multiple folders; this has happened many times. If I could use tags, I would assign all applicable tags, and I'd more easily find what I'm looking for, assuming the Tags feature was implemented well.
Some thoughts on how I might implement tags. It obviously doesn't have to be all at once, or even all of them, but:
1. Filter by multiple tags at once. We can quickly drill down to the specific entry/entries we want. Especially if they're used in addition to search.
2. Other tags that are not currently used for filtering could show up beneath the login/alias/card/note/identity, so they can be more easily differentiated at a glance. If many tags are applied to an entry, the tags shown could be limited to 1 line (that, perhaps, scrolls horizontally), or 2 lines, or be truncated, or all can be options for the user to choose their experience.
3. The ability to pin tags. If Tags are included on the left, like Vaults, then we could either only see pinned tags there, or we can be allowed to collapse/expand the Tags. Taken further, pinned tags could be shown at all times, and/or shown at the top of the expanded list.
If they're included in the Search, and I imagine they would be, the pinned tags could be the first, or the tags in Search could work on a "most recently used" or "most frequently used" sorting method. Or, again, user's choice.
4. Extend the Sharing feature. Just as entire vaults can be shared with specific people, it would be amazing if the same could be done for tags, resulting in being able to share entries that may exist across multiple vaults. For example, I could use a "Parents" tag on entries I've saved for them, but also my own personal entries to which I'd like them to have access.
Pierre's Blog commented
Note that tags can be implemented as nested, so they cover the requirement for nested folders as well.
Thiago B. commented
I really enjoy tags on 1password and miss them on Proton Pass. The option to have only the Pinned entries and/or creating different vaults for different kinds of passwords are limitating.
Jerome commented
Yes, I fully support this request: it's probably the main thing I miss about 1Password.
Eric Chavez commented
"Please do not implement Folders like Bitwarden do" I was about to request folders, but tags sound like a much better solution!
Jon A. commented
Tags are the main reason I am sticking with 1Password for now.
Marcel commented
Tags are a must! Searching for entries that have the same name is a mess. The current categories (passwords, cards, etc are not enough).
Mr Bagels commented
I much prefer tags over folders as they are more flexible. They can also be used to simulate folders for those that prefer a simpler way of organizing their stuff.
And with a smart UI, tags can even be used to simulate subfolders, which would give us the best of two worlds, imo.
Chris commented
I have really come to depend on tags in 1password, not just for myself, but as an easy means to communicate with others in shared vaults. I'm enjoying Proton Pass, but definitely wish tags were an available feature.
Farbror Stig commented
It would be great if the tags were visible in the item list as well
oswin commented
Yes! By the way, if anyone's looking for a folder-based request, the ticket for that is here: https://protonmail.uservoice.com/forums/953584/suggestions/46864294
craig mcmillan commented
tags FTW - simple, but so much more flexible than folders
Mats commented
Super important feature!
Rick Pagels commented
Bad enough having to give up having 22 types of items in 1password, and downsizing to only 5 types in Proton Pass, so having a way to organize would be a huge help!
Luca Berti commented
There must be a way to assign one or more tags to each stored element.
Gerard commented
This is truly a must. I work in tech support and save client logins for a while as cases can go on for many days. Since moving to Proton Pass I have had to use a separate Vault to keep those separate from my main account, but the extra clicks each time are killing my flow..
At the very least, could there be a dropdown for Vault Selection in the “ Save password” modal window that pops up?
Renoir Boulanger commented
I remember having written the message on December 31st, but can't find the same account. Oh well. Voting :)