Block sender
It would be great to be able to block certain email addresses from being able to send you emails. Not just a filter to go to “spam” but being able to actually block the sender totally

DevGlitch commented
For an even better email experience, consider supporting my proposal to enable bulk blocking of senders here: -
Christian Merges commented
This is really bad implementation. Blocking should happen at smtp transaction level and not saying to the sender server that the mail has been queed and then just delete it.
Anonymous commented
Much needed. Thx
Anonymous commented
I am only interest if the sender receives a rejection email that gives the impression that the email address does not exist. I am not interested if the sender receives no response, I am not interested if the response says "you were blocked". and I would be way more interested if I could invoke it after receiving an email, and have it apply to that sender from that point on.
BatTikvah commented
We should be able to block domains without having a specific email address to block. I get constant spam from the same domain, but with unique email addresses. I created a filter for the domains to send them directly to trash, but they still go to the spam folder instead, even with the Block filter at the top of the filter list. I don't want them to go to spam. I want them either blocked entirely from those domains or to at least be able to filter them to trash or to permanent deletion.
Bernard commented
It would be great if the blocked list could be edited so that a wildcard could be inserted "*" so as to block an entire domain instead of a specific address at the domain. The spammers constantly rotated their from address: ",,,," I hope you can see what I mean. Many domains are simply pure spam domains I would love to block the entire domain forever!!
Belisama commented
@Drew I'm afraid this is not what we are asking for.
We are not asking to block and delete the message, but directly bounce it, so the sender receives a server error, in the same way when an address doesn't exist.
Privacy, please.
Drew commented
You can already do this. Click on the sender's email address and the dropdown list of actions is: - New Message; Create New Contact; Messages from this sender; and *Block Messages from this Sender*
Christian Merges commented
There is currently a new feature about that, but mails are accepted bei smtp and deleted after. Instead, they should be bounced in the smtp transaction to generate a NDR for the sender.
Azat commented
Probably will add this behind a paywall. Ha, ha.
Rui Oliveira commented
It is critical, to make possible to block email addresses that we do not want at all to receive messages from.
I do want to have the possobility to stop receiving messages from organizations or persons that I do not want nothing with them.
SPAM, Privacy Invasion... Look forward to it. -
Daniela Lanaia commented
Block, ban, reject option please! Filtering, blacklisting and moving to spam is not enough. We want to be able to bounce unwanted emails and make the email address look invalid to spammers.. thank you!
La commented
Please please Proton create an email block option!! I can only find information on how to filter to spam or use a sieve filter - it is complicated and time consuming! A simple button option within the email to be able to completely block an email address - A simple, quick easy way to block spam senders. Gmail & others have this feature.. it is the one major remaining feature that would make a HUGE difference for ProtonMail... Thank you :) xxxx
Anonymous commented
This should be a normal feature. It really needs to happen. The sender could get a little message saying in a nice way they are blocked (or however you want to do this.
ecma Script commented
any update on this i want this I have this issue
DSUltra commented
For the love of god, please get this added as a feature. If you're like me and you don't want to even see stuff in your spam that you know you'll never view, this feature of blocking mail should absolutely be appropriate.
Ryan commented
I would also like the ability to be able to permanently block senders from delivering into my mailbox. Please add an option to be able to permanently block senders; not just move them to the junk folder.
Calvin Gelical commented
This is an excellent idea. This would change Proton Mail from okay to fantastic. I would switch to another email service in a heartbeat that provides this feature.
Erik commented
This is a useful feature of Gmail which I am sorely missing in Protonmail. I'm getting consistent spam from "" and all this other crap-of-the-day domains and I just want them gone! I don't even want to see them in spam anymore already!
Sami commented
please fix this Domain block..
too many spam mails from same domain would make their mail services worthless...
and no sincere person is using them anyway.