Lock desktop app
It would be interesting to be able to lock the Proton Mail Windows application with a security code like the Proton Pass application, both manually and after a certain time, so that you do not have to constantly log out and log in

Anonymous commented
I'd like to chime in and say ALL Proton apps -- desktop or mobile or whatever -- should ideally support a separate PIN. Maybe even support for a duress PIN.
ProtonUser commented
It's not silly. Whilst yes it's true that a keylogger/screenshot spyware is still a risk, it's all about limiting risks. Additional if the app locks the idea should be that it's encrypted in memory making it so that even if windows is locked or another user is logged in they're unable to dump the memory (technically they're still able to dump the memory but it's encrypted data so it's next to worthless, ofc assuming the encryption is safe and doesn't leak the key). (Or when your device is stolen and not shut down).
And arguing that if someone has installed spyware on your unlocked system is a void argument as it would apply to everything even the web app and your bank account, those also lock after a certain amount of time. And whilst information leakage is still at risk here it does prevent the risk of someone using your account in your name. Even protects it against autockickers and hand-on-keyboard activity
JD commented
If someone other than you has access to your unlocked Windows session you are doomed anyway. They can user-install (no admin) something that takes a screenshot every 5 seconds and posts it somewhere.
This suggestion is very silly. Windows is not a mobile OS, once the session is unlocked everything is fair game.
Anonymous commented
I use a shared computer, and I don't want to have to enter my full Proton account details and password every time I open it. I want to have an app-specific password or PIN that I can set to open the app.
Fr6d6ric commented
Please enable a protonmail desktop time autolock (like in proton pass). It's a security concern to me that my proton mailbox is accessible on my computer if I forget to sign out when leaving the app.
ProtonUser commented
Why not have it locked (and thus also encrypted) but to unlock you can use your MFA token/pin/... to unlock it, similar to how you would normally login to the web app?
Ofc, this does also mean that your password (and to a lesser degree your email address) would also be encrypted and not be stored somewhere in clear text on the system. -
Lucien commented
It would be great if the app could auto-lock (for example immediately, after x minutes...) and be able to unlock it with biometrics.
Kind regards,
LB -
boistordu commented
with a pass (alphanumeric preferably) or through QR code asking for the passkey from the phone or through a yubikey.
But of course it means that the backend of the app must be encrypted too when being at rest (so in locked state). -
Forged commented
I’d like this for any proton service available on my desktop - eg drive too.
I have it on iOS and this is really important to have a “less secure” security feature than always using a memorised long password and 2FA to access my desktop proton stuff. -
qpm commented
Please allow option for PIN / Biomentric access to Mac OS Desktop App.
Dave commented
On the mobile app (Android), we can add a pin or use biometrics to lock. For the desktop app, can such feature be added plus the ability to automatically lock after x times.
Spark commented
Hello is there a way to get a proton application to lock application.
My request is to add security and lock application like ProtonMail can be lock up by password.