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Proton Mail

628 results found

  1. Increase size of dialogue box when moving an email to a folder

    When you go to file an email into a folder, please make longer the box that pops up listing all your mail folders. I dislike having to scroll to my target folder, or entering characters to bring its name up, I want to just be able to see them all on one dialog, and click on the target folder

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  2. Read receipt ios

    iOS proton mail should have priority and read receipt buttons

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  3. iPhone (mobile) - lack of real estate on screens

    The ios mobile app is cluttered with icons and functions. Unclutter the screen and use larger fonts. My iPhone 14 has excessive, unreadable options.

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  4. Black lock icon is useless and misleading

    Currently Proton is displaying a black lock icon when the email is "stored with zero-access encryption", which is the worst case when using Proton Mail, since all emails are stored this way on Proton.

    The icon becomes blue when the email is sent or received securely with the recipients/sender (green when PGP).

    It'd be less misleading to have no icon at all in the case of the standard case (stored with zero-access encryption), and keep the blue (or green for PGP) icons in the other case.

    It'd also makes Proton Mail more accessible to people having difficulties to distinguish the…

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  5. Open Proton Mail desktop beta to other plan types

    allow your paying customers to test out Proton Mail (Beta) for windows without having to be a Proton Visionary subscribers (legacy). I'm not quite sure why you would want to have a smaller userbase able to access , use and provide feedback on a new premium offering.,

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  6. Snooze individual emails in conversation mode

    Apply different snooze times to different emails in the same conversation.

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  7. 1 vote
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  8. Move yellow star back to left side

    move the yellow star next to the erase box where it used to be--- need it when erasing. Also don't erase my entry when i correct my spelling e

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  9. Do not display icons on hover.

    Currently, the email subject list displays the timestamp on the right side. This changes to action icons (mark as read, move to trash, etc.) when the mouse is hovered over the message.

    The problem arises when the list is narrow because the divider was dragged to the left or the browser window is not full screen. When the user moves the mouse to a message title to open and read it, the icons suddenly appear over the title, resulting in unintended clicks on actions.

    Proposed solution: do not change the UI on hover. Either never hide the icons, or never…

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  10. Make newsletter unsubscribe button optional to avoid clutter and unintended unsubscribe

    The button should be shown as a default, but I would like to be able to turn off that UI element in settings.

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  11. move the COMPOSE button

    Move the COMPOSE button from the top of the left-hand pane above the list of FOLDERS to a smaller button/icon to the right of the PROTON MAIL icon above it to the left of the quad-box.

    This will allow MORE folders to be display in that column

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  12. Option to turn off "Personalise your e-mail footer" for free users!!!

    I have recently moved to Proton and this is my request to the community to give the free users bit more flexibility as someone so new to this would not jump for the plus subscription straightway.

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  13. Add rtf as format in preview attachments

    I need to be able to preview rtf attachments as I archive- please add this capability. BECAUSE it is an older format it needs to be retained: many older documents are in this format only; they will be lost if they cannot be read. (I actually prefer to work in rtf format because of its simplicity and lack of clutter.)

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  14. 1 vote
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  15. Resizable Calendar Side-Bar. At the moment its fixed size.

    Make a resizable vertical pane (Web Calendar SideBar) with contact and calendar.

    Thank You!

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  16. Greater file size capacity for sending emails

    I can only send 3-5 photos maximum per email; for somebody who wants to share photos via email, this is completely unfeasible. A much larger attachment capacity seems greatly needed.

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  17. Improve keyboard shortcuts (gmail like)

    Gmail's keyboard shortcuts are basically an industry standard and something many have become used to. e for archive is a must, and the l and v shortcuts are crucial as well.

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  18. Change standard font size for all messages

    could you PLEASE offer a choice of BIGGER fonts for our messages, instead of the microscopic font you offer. do you pay by the font size

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  19. More than 25 recipients - increase the limit for sending

    Please allow more than 25 recipients for Professional customers. You will allow me to pay you for >100 users, but you won't let me email my entire company. I am a growing business, I would like to grow with you. This arbitrary limit makes that very difficult.

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  20. Ability to remove/delete attachments

    Attachments are not always worth keeping, so please add ability to delete selected attachments as an alternative to simply downloading them.

    336 votes
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