Proton Drive
285 results found
Bottom Bar Click on Mobile Returns You to Top Folder
When pressing the bottom bar's files button, it's default behavior is to refresh the content of folders (duplicated by pull down to refresh). It should instead, move you back to the top folder (My Files). This makes it easier for users with a lot of folders nested to return to the overall drive. This behavior would be similar to pressing the files button on Google drive to return from specific folders back to My Drive.
1 vote -
Make users submit folders before starting a Photo Backup
Just turned on the Photo Backup and was horrified that it immediately started uploading my Camera and Screenshots folders without asking me which folders I wanted to backup. It also later showed a popup in the Photo Backup section saying something like "Photo Backup is turned off [Turn On]". After pressing that it not only reselected Camera and Screenshots, it also UNSELECTED MY SELECTED FOLDERS. This is extremely annoying and lead to me having to manually select the few screenshots that had been uploaded and delete them one by one
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Tap to enlargen an image on mobile
Proton docs are a bit uncomfortable to view on mobile since pictures are displayed smaller, it'd be nice if I could tap to bring them to "fullscreen", where I could comfortably zoom in on them.
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Proton Docs Page Issue
I cannot tell where the sides of the page start and end - the background color is the same. Can you at least change it to a different shade of grey?
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Customize title of pop-up window when a document is shared with a password
When we share a document with a password, it should be nice if we could customize a text over area where password is entered, I think it is really simple and let provide some additional info to persona who shares the document.
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Mobile editing and page seperation features
On mobile:
When creating a new document: first ask the user to name the document before opening the editor.
When editing a document: place the formatting options at the bottom of the screen rather than at the top, as it is currently, so they are within thumb’s reach, especially on large phone screens.
From a general point of view:
It is a shame that there is no separation between pages. Therefore, it's impossible to assess the length of the text at a glance.
1 vote -
Synchronize photo's to Windows Explorer like all other files
As a Windows user, I want Proton Drive to handle photo's the same way as other files in Windows Explorer, so I can easily sync between devices and manage them in Windows Explorer.
I have installed the Proton Drive app on Windows and made it part of Windows Explorer, like OneDrive is. All files are manageable by Windows Explorer and synched automatically with Proton Drive.
However, for Photo's, I need to login to the Proton Drive Cloud environment, download them and add them to the "normal" Proton Drive file part manually, which is an unnecessary hassle.
Expected behavior:
1. Open…1 vote -
EPUB - Reader in app and on web
Epub files can be uploaded to proton drive, but not read directly in the app or on web as a PDF file can. I have collection of Epub and pdf books that would be great to read directly on proton. When read I will move from Dropbox
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sauvegarde journaliere
je sauvergarde mes fichiers sur 365 jours car important serait-il possible de garder uniquement le dernier de la journee car aujourd'hui il garde toutes les versions un 1to c'est un peu peut pour cela.
merci pour votre lecture1 vote -
Select and share multiple files/folders
At present, you can only select and share one file or folder at a time. From a business perspective, when I'm trying to share multiple files and folders with other company Proton accounts, it can be quite time-consuming to do it individually.
2 votes -
Make Proton Drive photos available in windows explorer.
Make photos available in windows explorer so you can drag and drop photos to Etsy or Ebay. Instead of downloading them. Also the lag between taking pictures and them uploading some times is quick while other times it can take a while. Would like a option in the phone app (Android) to upload specific pictures so you can use them right away. Would love to give up Dropbox but can't until this is implemented.
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More fonts
I think that maybe Proton should add more fonts such as Libre Baskerville. I also think that they should allow at piece of text to be moved without the font reverting to Arial. (E.g: Verdana to Arial)
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Default Screen choose Files or Photos
Just want the option to set the mobile app to show files first not photos tab. Every time it asks me to let it access photos. And I don't use the photos storage, I keep mine locally backed up. But all my business docs are stored on there it's just a minor thing but a pain everytime I open the app.
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Proton Drive Web
Would it be possible to make the directory view not fixed, but rather so that you can change its width?
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Option to have PC and photos folders be a tag instead of a separate directory.
I upload photos and files from different locations/devices, and it's frustrating that when going through them, I have to check multiple locations. It would be better if proton had its own metadata that it used so that I could sort by uploader or file type, rather than having to check the photos location, files, location, PC location, and my laptop location anytime I want to find things. At the very least there should be a view all option, so that any functionality of discrete locations is not lost and files/photos could be sorted through as though they are in one…
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Ability to upload more than 10 photographs at once from the Proton Drive iOS app
Right now photo upload to a folder in the Proton Drive iOS app is limited to 10 photographs which is really unhandy and stops a widespread adoption in my organisation. Please change this
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Fix Proton Drive Photo backup date recognition
Currently, when backing up or uploading photos to Proton Drive, it ignores Date Created and Last Modified dates, and instead seems to use the uploaded date as the date in the photo timeline, meaning migrating to Proton Drive for all photos results in loosing the timeline previous to the upload date, as all images are now stored on the same date.
An improvement would be to use either the files date created or last modified dates to designate where it should be on the Proton Drive timeline
Thanks2 votes -
Control how often a Proton document auto-saves
Editing a long Proton doc is becoming impossible because it auto-saves so much that it becomes unusable and lags.
Is it possible to control the auto-save settings so that it only autosaves every (e.g.) one minute rather than after every keystroke. It's not a problem for small documents but it is for bigger than 8-10 pages.
2 votes -
Control how often a Proton document auto-saves
Editing a long Proton doc is becoming impossible because it auto-saves so much that it becomes unusable and lags.
Is it possible to control the auto-save settings so that it only autosaves every (e.g.) one minute rather than after every keystroke. It's not a problem for small documents but it is for bigger than 8-10 pages.
3 votes -
Add a Waveform to the Audio Playback window (like/better than Dropbox does)
It would be awesome if you guys could add a waveform display during audio playback for audio files on drive. I'm a music producer and that is a really nice touch!!!
1 vote
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