Linux Client
Proton Drive really needs the ability to sync desktop files automatically. This post focuses on a Linux client for Proton Drive.
Marc commented
I'm kind of dissapointed that they already have a Bitcoin Wallet, AI services, but we still don't have a client for Linux for this.
Dan Gorin commented
Hopefully they publish a Linux app soon!
A commented
Patiently waiting for this. In the mean time, RClone sorta works, but is a huge pain because it's slow and complicated.
LinuxPatriot1776 commented
Honestly, it would be so easy for them to make this available as a flatpak and distribute it to almost all Linux desktops in one release. It's practically a criminal omission on their part.
David commented
Surprised this still doesn't exist
happymab commented
If proton is serious about privacy it absolutely must support Linux. Having a reliable Linux client for Proton Drive is critical for users.
glob commented
Even just supporting Ubuntu, TrueNas Scale, and a couple of other 'popular' options would be great. I just need enough support to create a SMB share that doesn't need a 'paid' OS. Heck, pick something that doesn't change much (again, TrueNas Scale) and focus dev on that initially to get something stable, then let the ND masses find ways to port it for you.
Pal commented
Should be a much higher priority than Proton Scribe and Proton Wallet.
Barty commented
By far the feature I miss the most!
oliver commented
i need to be able to mount drive in linux to work on files using libre office, or have full functional online browser to edit word exel and txt files before i can switch from onedrive,
Kazimierz Krauze commented
Well, they did acknowledged it:
They are working on it, but, as they said, it is very chalanging task, more so than vpn client. -
Long-Term Proton Unlimited Linux User commented
I decided to make the move from Gmail to Protonmail at least 7 or 8 years ago, and from Windows to Linux about 4 years ago. I have an Unlimited account, and the last critical piece of infrastructure for a truly independent and private/secure working environment is to have a native desktop drive connector, like the one for Windows, for _Linux_. Here's hoping for more resources ... 🤞
Eduardo Saporski commented
They didn't even acknowledged that they are/will work on this feature. This is really sad. Until they do, LINUX CLIENT WHEN?
mh3riley commented
after 2800 votes over two years, there's not really much to add other than votes
Lynette commented
Really wish Proton would do this, much more useful than AI, to me at least.
dam commented
I wish you would focus on this instead of releasing new half baked services every 3 months 🤦
YO commented
Most important feature that needs to be prioritized, please.
sanjryif commented
As a Proton Unlimited user, it hurts I still use Mega for Local File Cloud Sync.
Proton - by the Community(Linux, Windows and Mac) , for the Community (Windows and Mac).
The VPN Client they made for Linux is very slow, hangs when launches.
I am not sure why Mac and Windows client were made sooner with lesser votes than Linux. The votes on Windows and Mac - even combined not reach 1000. -
Scott commented
Please produce a linux client
LinuxUser commented
Most important feature that needs to be prioritized.