Accept and send invites on all platforms
Team, Please you're killing me. We opted to have Protonmail be the backend of our domain's mail system and so Migrated in the understanding that the ProtonCalendar functionality would work like other calendars. Imagine our shock when we had to resort to using normal imo non-secure non-encrypted Calendars while you add standard Calendar functionality to ProtonCalendar. Please urgently fix this as with ProtonCalender the way it is, we are unable to accept invites ( calendar.ics files ) or send Invites from ProtonCalendar to meeting attendees. Having super secure ProtonMail email, but resorting to a standard calendar is a vulnerability that is hard to explain to our clients.

JBz commented
Yeah, I feel like they've spent more energy adding products (like Drive, Pass, and Wallet) than building out the robustness of their preexisting products (especially Calendar). I'm still hoping for great things from Proton. :)
Mark commented
I absolutely require this feature to be added. It seems like extra work was done to prevent this functionality, and I do not understand the reasoning behind going out of your way to make a product less functional.
Pfannenstiel commented
Use case example: My public transport planning app lets me create an .ics file from the desired connection. But at the moment I can't use the Android app of Proton Calendar to open the .ics file with or to import the .ics file. I'd like to switch from Outlook to Proton Calendar, but my use cases doesn't allow it. -
Alexis commented
I had many of my other email addresses (mostly work related) forwarded to my proton address, and yet I can't accept these invitations from the protonmail web client.
I currently forward them to my gmail account, where I can add the events in question to my google calendar more easily... -
Jerome Greutmann commented
+1 on mobile, i need to use the browser version of protonmail. I can't use the iOS app to accept invites!!
yith commented
We should be able to accept a calendar invitation forwarded (or really sent to us at all) regardless of if our ProtonMail email address is on the invite list.
I have friends and family that still use my Gmail account for calendar events. While I can get those events forwarded to my ProtonMail account, I can't add them to my ProtonCalendar without manually creating an event and copying the details over, since individual events can't even be imported.
Lluis commented
Today I tested the proton calendar and I sent myself an invite from my work mail and I received a mail with an attachment with .ics
Instead I would expect it to show up in the calendar and be able to accept or decline from calendar -
S commented
This feature is now available - I tested it this morning
Stef commented
Send calendar invitations and track responses from both ProtonMail users and emails outside of ProtonMail, using standard methods so that invitees can add the events to their own non-ProtonMail calendars.
Anonymous commented
Handling invites (create + add + respond) will be a requirement for using ProtonCalendar. Adding such manually is too much hassle.
Anonymous commented
Well right now i am resorting to downloading an ics from email and then using the import feature to add events, it shouldn't be difficult to make the v4 app offer the option to add a calendar event by parsing the email when such action is demanded (so the app isn't scanning my email content :))
Nikki Williams commented
Yeah, this was posted a year ago?? Still waiting. I wasted time thinking I'm missing something.
Anonymous commented
I am trying to get off Outlook and only use Protonmail. Calendar doesn't link with Contacts to allow sending e-calendar invite to people. This is a must feature for Calendar use along with being able to designate Categories.
Anonymous commented
Cross-linking what seems to be the same request to illustrate just how much this is wanted:
* -
heresyourmoney commented
I need a calendar that works! Invites are crucial! I will have to keep using something else until this fully functional. If ProtonCalendar would work like Outlook it would be perfect. So...
Categorizing/Color coding
Advanced Recurring Appointments -
Patriarch Lewis commented
Yes to invites! My family has resorted to sending me screen shots via text. Help me help them.
Jaclyn commented
I am 100% on board with the idea of sending a simple invite file out for meetings. This would help me tremendously!
Anonymous commented
yes - I dont understand, why calendar invites I get from other persons via mail - are not added automatically to my calendar??This is currently the main reason, why I'm thinking of changing to something else?
I miss events if they're only in the mailbox... Is there a workaround??
Erik van Luxzenburg commented
Accept calendar invitations from others. I use the webbased ProtonCalendar for some weeks actively now. But I find it difficult to switch to this calendar app. Besides reasons stated in other suggestions here (no mobile phone app or integration with a mobile calendar app and no notifications), I would like to have the option to accept calendar requests sent by others to my ProtonMail. I have tested this today by sending myself a calendar invitation from my gmail and my office365 and my work Exchange accounts. All 3 invitations ended in my ProtonMail inbox as ics download files without the option to click "accept" and have it in my ProtonCalendar.
In order to make ProtonCalendar to work with ProtonMail it would be great to see the option to add calendar invitations to ProtonCalendar right out of the ProtonMail inbox by clicking "accept".
Ian Laubscher commented
I need the ability to accept meeting invites and have them added to the calendar.