IPv6 support
IPv6 is the new Internet. Gmail has provided the support.

Abdul Rauf commented
The fact that this is apparently not planned yet is concerning.
1. MTAs should support IPv6 so that we can have MX records with IPv6 support as well.
2. Proton.me and all subdomains like mail.proton.me and account.proton.me should have IPv6 support as well. -
Lars van Zijl commented
Please add IPv6 support for ProtonMail. Both Google and Microsoft offer and activate this feature by default. Most of my internet activities are through IPv6-only services, except for ProtonMail.
Lucas Van Laerhoven commented
Almost been 10 years now, the fact this isn't even planned yet is concerning. If I pay for this service, I should at the very least expect to have a feature that a *free* competitor has supported for OVER TEN YEARS.
Jan Wandelaar commented
IPv6 should have been supported by now. Please add
Michel commented
What is really strange is that there is also no explanation why IPv6 is not supported. There are some docs on VPN, but nothing for mail.
Unbekannt Unbekannt commented
Would be happy to switch to ProtonMail, but not without IPv6 support.
miceliux commented
It's 2024 and no IPv6 yet. For a Internet company this is ridiculous.
Hayo commented
add it already. it's 2023.
Joost Wijnings commented
This lacking IPv6 support downgrades the score on the Dutch internet.nl test. My domain is Vijfpoot.nl, see the results on https://internet.nl/mail/vijfpoot.nl/820938/
FREDY commented
Why is this keep being neglected ? Does the team have the necessary skills to implement it ?
How hard is to put it on the MX and SMTP servers with IPv6 addresses and then on the Web ?
For more complex it can be it cannot take that long to get implemented really.IPv6 isn't just something cosmetic or a "nice to have thing".
Does Protonmail even have a plan and a clear roadmap for that ? -
Anonymous commented
It is nearly 6 years since this suggestion was posted, and ProtonMail still have not made any reply. As Magnus said last year: The lack of an IPv6 roadmap is troubling.
Anonymous commented
Can we get a capabilities road map from the ProtonVPN team? It's 2020 and this has been in the comments since 2015/2016.
Magnus commented
I'm a paying user of ProtonMail. I really do love the service. Mail, VPN, etc. The lack of an IPv6 roadmap is troubling, though.
private commented
more and more of my traffic uses IPv6. With Proton VPN, I always need to be careful to turn off IPv6
Alexander commented
IPv6 adoption is growing exponentially and has reached 25 %
It's high time you implemented IPv6, at least between the ProtonMail Bridge and your servers. -
Chris A commented
Add in IPv6 support for the VPNs.... That is the key.
Chris A commented
Come on guys, IPv6 is already here. I am about to move off IPv4 completely. You and Tivo are the holdups!
Anonymous commented
I'm a paid customer and with current changes in my ISP's infrastructure I can neither access Protonmail directly (routing breaks after a few hops) nor can I even login into the ProtonVPN app (for exactly the same reason) to access Protonmail over ProtonVPN :). PLEASE, hurry the efforts to enable normal v6 connectivity.
Anonymous commented
IPv6 is a absolutely must have nowadays. Please add support for this!
Jochem van den Berge commented
with such a wide list of supported features the lack of IPv6 for protonmail surprised me. Definitely a +1 for this one!