Edit single instance of a recurring event
There appears to be no way to edit a single instance of a recurring event. So if the 2nd item needs to be shifted by 15 minutes or location changes, that change will affect entire series. Please add the ability to edit either a single event... or the entire series.

As of March 2024, this feature is available on the web. Coming soon to other apps.
Albert commented
I am no computer engineer so I don't know what has to happen in the background to make this happen. But I think one potential workaround for this problem would be to allow users to "unlink" one single event from the recurring series. E.g. if the series is "meeting" every thursday, but if Christmas falls on a Thursday and I decided that the meeting is not happening then I can "unlink" that single event and write some notes about it or delete it altogether. Then when all meetings on Thursdays get changed for some reason, it doesn't affect the "unlinked" instance on Christmas Day.
I know Proton Admin says it's available as of March 2024 on the web but this certainly is not the case. When I change a detail about a series, it still undoes all the changes in the single edited instances within the series.
Martijn commented
Yes this. When the reoccuring meeintg is placed in the agenda, it should be possible to edit or even deny a single meeting.
Albert commented
Related to this, I'd like to be able to change a series without affecting individual events of the series that have been changed separately.
e.g. The series is "Work 8am-6pm daily". But on one particular day I've deleted the day because I'm taking leave. Then when I change my work hours and update "Work" to 9am-6pm" then the day I deleted for leave somehow reappears. It would be good if that didn't happen.
C commented
I have chosen not to renew my Visionary subscription due to this ongoing issue with Proton Calendar. I have to wonder if the Proton team actually use their own calendar because anyone with regular scheduled appointments would quickly run into this issue.
Or maybe it's the alternative; it's been so long since the Proton Team used OTHER calendars that they just don't realise that this is basic functionality that every other major business-class calendar system deals with.
Recurring events fundamentally do not work at all as expected and I have issues with almost everyone who sends me recurring invites. It's embarrassing to keep having to explain my calendar problems.
I feel I've waited long enough and I'm now actively looking for an alternative to move to. Although Proton Mail is fine (great in fact), if I have to move to a different Calendar system, it will probably force me to move my email away too - I don't want to use multiple systems for this sort of thing.
And to repeat: this feature does NOT work on the web (contrary to the last published update on this issue)
E.G. commented
I was really eager to switch away from Google Calendar to Proton Calendar but I can't do without this feature at ALL - it's critical to how I use my calendar blocks (e.g., having a standing block for a particular project but then editing what I'm doing with that block each week).
Sadly, this is not working in January 2025 and I'll have to stay with Google until it's truly implemented.
nucleartell commented
@wpf - it does NOT work entirely as it should on any platform at the moment. I've previously mentioned that I've contacted Proton regarding this, and I've now put that email in a Proton Doc which you can find on the link below. It's basically a more or less complete list of what's working and not working for recurring events at the moment.
wpf commented
This needs to be implemented on mobile. It does seem to work on the web interface, but I can't update a single instance on the mobile app. I finally convinced my wife to give protonmail a try and we upgraded to the duo plan, but this feature is a deal breaker right now. Please fix for android apps.
C commented
Yeah this isn't fixed AT ALL for me. See @Kevin's comment.
This is my single most frustrating Proton issue right now (and there's a few others). It is really incredibly frustrating that something like this can exist for so long. Even more frustrating that it's marked as "available on the web" when as far as I - and many others - can tell, it absolutely isn't.
I am not convinced the Proton team understand what this issue is.
Andy Galbraith commented
Another case that's hopefully implied by the general "Edit single instance of a recurring event" story, but being specific so it doesn't get missed:
Decline a single instance of a recurring event from an external sender: https://protonmail.uservoice.com/forums/932842-proton-calendar/suggestions/48933599-decline-a-single-instance-of-a-recurring-event-fro
Andy Galbraith commented
Want to be clear: This *needs* to handle editing single instances of a recurring event *with other participants*.
Hopefully obvious that this is an implied user story being asked for, but commenting to make it explicit.
See this related request: https://protonmail.uservoice.com/forums/932842-proton-calendar/suggestions/46433014-modify-single-event-in-recurring-series-when-ther
Kevin commented
Yeah this doesn't seem fixed at all to me. See @nucleartell's comments.
nucleartell commented
Considering they've marked this request as started, with a comment saying that it's available on the web - even though it is not fully in place on any platform, not even the web - it feels like this request is on it's way to also be erroneously marked as complete, just as the related request linked below.
Because of this, I put together a list about what works and not regarding this feature. I sent that list to Proton along with feedback regarding their lack of feedback here on UserVoice.
Hopefully it will get some attention, but I'm hesitant as some of these issues are so blatantly obvious that I'm sometimes wondering if Proton is even using their own service.
Sean McClintock commented
What doesn't work is my editing of a series owned by an external user. I want to be able to delete an instance of a meeting series from my calendar, not just decline the meeting.
nucleartell commented
@Josh I noted that you wrote "...but I am grateful they finally resolved this massive gaff for recurring events that Proton users invite others to".
I have not seen any updates regarding this anywhere (where do you even find the release notes these days?) so I did some tests.
Compared to my last comment from 1/4, you can now both edit and delete recurring events that have attendees, but you still never get the option for "this event and future events".
The iOS app is still lagging behind as you can't edit recurring events with attendees there and if you try to delete the event instead, you'll get a prompt asking if you want to remove the entire series.
Since there are no separate UserVoice sites for Calendar on web/PC/iOS etc, I'd consider this request to apply to all platforms. Hence this should not be marked as completed until we have feature parity between the platforms.
It also should not be marked as completed until we have the option for "this event and future events" for events with attendees as well. I mean, say you have a weekly recurring meeting with no end date set and you want to edit or delete that meeting after some time. Right now the only option is to edit or delete one instance at a time or delete the entire series...
I also tested external invites. Proton Mail says that the ICS file is invalid for some reason, so I can't perform any actions on the invite email in Proton Mail. Still, the event shows up in Proton Calendar and I can choose how to reply from there. But the issue remains that whatever you do with that event, it will apply to all of the events in the series.
So neither this request or the other that @Josh found is really completed.
Josh Leslie commented
I took the liberty of searching for the "feature" you are requesting, @Grégory, and ironically it exists and has been errantly marked as "Completed" by the Proton team. It is called "Delete individual entries from shared recurring events".
I suggest reposting your comment there, although since it has been errantly marked as "Completed", it may also be worthwhile to add a new "Idea" even though that is technically a duplicate of the existing one with the title above. But at least it wouldn't be incorrectly marked as "Completed"...
Josh Leslie commented
@Grégory it took the Proton team over 4 years to deliver this "feature" which is actually core to any usable calendar system, especially in any kind of business context. It should 100% have been added *before* Proton Calendar was considered out of "beta".
The (also, arguably core) feature you are asking for is separate, which has to do with recurring meeting invitations from others outside of Proton. I am not sure whether there is a separate Uservoice "Idea" for that, but if there isn't, you should start one, as the Proton team certainly didn't give much attention to this thread for 48+ months. In any case, I agree with you that this is also an annoying limitation, but I am grateful they finally resolved this massive gaff for recurring events that Proton users invite others to.
Grégory Mermoud commented
Actually, this is becoming a FUNDAMENTAL blocker for me. I am seriously considering giving up Proton Calendar entirely because of the inability to decline a single instance of a recurring event, as I have to work with customers who schedule recurring calls very often.
Garnet Bonsai commented
I echo Marco's comments, particularly when the event was organized by someone else.
Whitney Jutzin commented
We have a monthly sync scheduled up every month, but recently we all agreed for April to be wiggled one week earlier -- and keeping all the other months the same. Because we can't edit the one event, it then leaves either April's sync inaccurate (even if attendees make their own private event, the April recurrent-group event still exists on the wrong date), or, the April event is right and all other events are wrong (causing people to potentially schedule other meetings during a time slot that should be reserved).
It's not so much a "missing" feature, it's actively causing problems by providing bad data to the user.
nucleartell commented
Josh is correct, it isn't really working when there are attendees involved. If you try to edit, it will change the entire series.
You can at least delete single instances, even for events with attendees, but you never get the option for "this event and future events".
Until this is fixed, the support article should be updated to reflect the current state. But this needs to be pushed up the priority list as it's a crucial feature. The fact that this issue only occurs when there are attendees should've been caught before the feature was released.