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Accounts & payments

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  1. Change account password every 90 days

    Can we get the option of changing the password of our Proton account every 90 days?
    This can be an extra check box in the "change password" settings.

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  2. 希望能支持微信或支付宝来支付


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  3. Large family plan


    I currently administer a domain for my extended family (50 members) and we are on the free services from google and have enjoyed their services for 15 years+.
    I would really like to switch to Proton, but find no plan that fits.
    I would love to see a plan for "Large Families", that could go up to 50 members and i believe it could still be done within the 3TB of space in the current family plan.
    If it could be done at the same price as well, it would be great, as USD19 per month is still quite…

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  4. Reduce the power of family plan admin

    If the access of the admin account of a proton family group is known to the attacker he could switch all email adresses to himself and abuse them. Try to login to amazon accounts or similar and resets passwords there too. The feature to control all emails in the group is to dangerous. Could you please optionally remove this.

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  5. New payment methods for Brazilians

    Perform the integration of a Brazilian payment system to facilitate payment and not require an international credit card, they could use, for example, the payment gateway of the companies Cielo, Rede, Stone, GetNet, Mercado Pago, in addition to PIX (cash payment, has instant confirmation in less than 10 seconds) and Boleto (confirmation within 3 days).
    I open this suggestion because I recently had my account suspended for a few days due to difficulties in making my payment with cards issued in Brazil (National and International debit and credit) and I also faced difficulties when trying to pay with PayPal, for…

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  6. Account lockout option

    If somebody attempts to login to my account more than X number of times (user configurable), lock the account to protect it from an attack.
    In order to use this option, the user would have to download the recovery key and store it safely (outside proton pass!)

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  7. Tamaño ocupado en GB

    Debe estar mostrado específicamente el uso de cada servicio de PROTON por el usuario. Tengo ocupados 2.81 GB y no sé realmente qué ocupa el espacio total. Mail ocupa menos de 100 MB y Drive ocupa cerca de 2,8 GB, pero no se sabe específicamente qué ocupa cada cual.

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  8. Add 3 additional custom domains for EACH family member on family plan

    The Family Plan looks like it will become a good option for many in the future, especially once Pass Vault sharing is integrated.

    However, the big glaring omission is that the custom domains do not go up for family plans.

    Each of my family has their own unique domain, and I want to be able to capture that so they can retain their own unique email domains...

    Each member should get an additional 3 custom domains options just like the primary account.

    All of the other metrics go up with a family plan except for the custom domains, so this…

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  9. 1 custom domain for each member of family plan

    Hi Proton team,
    It you be really nice to have 1 custom domain enabled for each member of the family plan !
    Thank you,

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  10. 直接換成新台幣價格去超商支付現金


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  11. 2 votes

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  12. Updating the storage capacity of an email accoun / Mise a jour de la capacité de stockage d'un compte mail

    Bonjour j'ai la version gratuite de protonmail et je devrais avoir droit a la capacité de stockage d'1giga octet or la mise à jour n'a jamais été faite pour mon compte qui ne m'offre que la capacité de stockage de 500 mo pourriez-vous mettre à jour la capacité de stockage de ma boîte mail?

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  13. Advanced Securitiy Logs

    I want an advanced version of the current "Security Logs".
    This is different from the "Enable advanced logs" option.

    What I want to see in this log is (by column order):

    • UTC/My location based time and date that follows the ISO 8601 format
    • IP Address (Also an indication of if the IP is home/VPN/ProtonVPN/Tor/Proxy, etc.)
    • Country/City name
    • App Name (With detailed info. Web version should specify the device OS and browser type. Android and iOS version should also specify the version and etc.)
    • App Version
    • A detailed version of the event
    • Filter result

    This log system should also have features…

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  14. loggin account

    Hey, when I'm at work, I prefer not to enter my password and username every time I log in, and I also don't want the browsers to remember that information. Since my company has control over my computer, it would be really convenient for everyone, including myself, to have a QR code login feature on the web that can be scanned from a phone app, similar to what Binance offers. It's a simple and more secure method. I hope this feature becomes available soon! Goodbye.

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  15. Access Proton Mail desktop apps with Proton Pass Plus

    Right now the desktop mail client is only available to proton mail plus users.

    I'd like to be able to use it on my Proton Pass Plus account.

    Proton Pass Plus users get a lot of emails if they make use of the email aliases feature, so it would add more value to the service!

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  16. I would love to be able to visually SEE my passwords in my proton applications. I noticed on a few that there is no way to verify my typing.

    I would love to be able to visually SEE my passwords in my proton applications. I noticed on a few that there is no way to verify my typing.

    Somehow my other proton application accounts passwords are not the same as in this forum and I was trying to make all the same and have issues I cannot see.

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  17. Check when older addresses were last used (+3m, +6m, +2yrs, etc.)

    I would like to know at any given time when older addresses I have were last used (without having to manually log this info).

    This would be very helpful so that I can delete addresses that seem to have no further usefulness and then I have more freedom to create other addresses.

    What do you think?

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  18. Option to Tip in the free plans

    Option to tip kn the free plans.

    I don’t need more feature but I’m happy to support proton.

    However I would like something in the 10$ a year range

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  19. Setting up access for addresses that are in the main Proton family account

    Hello, everyone! I bought a proton family, it would be great if I could configure access settings for the email addresses in my account, such as whether or not I need a VPN disk size etc.

    Now it looks like this, either all addresses that are in the main admin account have the same access level and the same password, or I have to create a separate account and configure it separately, which for example if you use your own domain name tied to Proton - not very convenient, because it can be tied to only one account.

    It would…

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  20. Allow paying a fixed amount of money to prevent account deletion

    I noticed that ProtonMail now has an inactive accounts policy. I have several accounts and I do not want to have any of them be deleted. I also cannot afford to pay for monthly subscriptions for each of them, and would not use any of the paid features.

    Instead, can we just have like a one-time payment to prevent the account from deleted? I would happily pay $1, $2, or even $5 one-time if I can ensure that ProtonMail will never automatically delete my account. If not, I will have to set myself a reminder to log in every few…

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