Proton Mail
1969 results found
Possibility to deactivate side panel buttons
Possibility to deactivate side panel buttons for a clean layout
3 votes -
Hebrew app language interface and better RTL support
Please support Hebrew language interface and right to left languages properly. RTL support and Hebrew language is missing across all Proton apps and services. All major languages are already supported, RTL in LTR interface is a huge problem and should be a priority.
4 votes -
Post-Quantum support with Codecrypt
Hello Proton, I have a suggestion to add "CodeCrypt" for Post Quantum cryptography, also known as "PQCrypto".
45 votes -
Ability to Select Addresses for "Attach Public PGP Key"
The Attach Public PGP Key should allow you to select which addresses you attach the public key to. As a minimum, it should allow you to select at least 1 address to exclude from having the PGP key attached.
I use the "SimpleLogin" functionality with my proton account to generate random aliases in order to protect my email address. Whenever I reply to an email via the reverse alias the system adds my public PGP key giving away my true address.
If I could select which addresses had the key attached or, alternatively, could specify 1 "catch all address" for…
9 votes -
Permanent url to email
Often I want to store a link to an email in my notes or todo app (because I need to reference the email at a later moment). The link in the URL bar is currently not suitable for this, because when I archive the email, the link does not work anymore.
In other words, I want a link that points to a specific email, no matter the state (inbox, archived, trash...) it is in.
Can you add this option to the web app and mobile app please?
Thank you for considering this feature.
15 votes -
Show all labels on web and desktop
On mobile, if an email has multiple labels applied, all the labels are shown side by side.
On web, I only see one label an the symbol + and number that indicates any further label applied.
There is no need to hide labels on web, there is plenty of room to show them. Also this creates inconsistency with mobile.31 votes -
Support Plain Text for Proton Mail mobile app
I default to using plain text when using the Proton Mail web client, but the mobile app sends rich text emails with no option to switch to plain. I would like to request that you please consider adding an option in the mobile app to default to plain text for consistency.
7 votes -
auto logout
This is true for drive/calendar as well. Good you can use 2FA for login, but very bad it is stay open indefinitely. A kind of auto logout after an idle time is crucial for decent security.
2 votes -
GoBD-conformant archiving for business accounts
In Germany, businesses are required to immutably archive all e-mails (except if they contain personal data unrelated to business operations, in which case they must be deleted).
The guidelines for this are specified in the GoBD (Grundsätze zur ordnungsmäßigen Führung und Aufbewahrung von Büchern, Aufzeichnungen und Unterlagen in elektronischer Form).
German mail providers offering services for businesses therefore usually offer conformant archiving services, e.g. IONOS:
We are unhappy with our current E-Mail service and would love to switch to ProtonMail, but are unable to do so as long as this is not possible.5 votes -
Group email forwarding
Mail forwarding would be a useful feature for business accounts. However it seems that it causes problems with encryption. So why don't you do what Tutanota - aka your biggest rival - is doing and add, what they have dubbed, "Group" account. This allows you to create a group let's say "". Then you can add users to this group. So now when a message is sent to the group mail address (aka. sales) it is sent to all members in that group AND they can all respond through the sales email, to reply to the original sender!…
7 votes -
Allow the use of other email addresses within the ProtonMail app with a unified Inbox
Implement an option to use other emails (i.e. Gmail, Outlook) within the ProtonMail app to have one unified Inbox, allowing users to send normal emails through those addresses whilst still having encryption available for ProtonMail addresses (this is a convenience thing)
4 votes -
Folder/Label add custom color option
The few default colors offered by Proton are not enough when you have 10 or more folders/label. There aren't even basic colors like white or grey.
Just add the option to select a custom color and problem solved.
20 votes -
Add support for Gmail accounts (external mail accounts)
Hi Proton, I love using Proton Mail but there is no getting away from using my Gmail account also.
I would love it if you could add desktop/web (and mobile) app support for Gmail accounts, so I can use just 1 email client (Proton Mail). It is perfectly fine, and expected, that you will not be able to offer the same security and encryption for Gmail as Protonmail. The value of adding this support is in the convenience.
I have spent a ton of time trying to make Proton Mail work with other clients like Spark, Airmail, and Canary (nevermind…
10 votes -
Download attached PDFs with their original file name instead of document.pdf
Download attached PDFs with their original file name instead of "document.pdf". Currently the built-in PDF viewer will download documents to a file with a a generic "document.pdf" name. Not very helpful
4 votes -
Filter to Reject Email Based on "To Address"
Having my own domain, I can create nearly unlimited email addresses.
I use a different one for each vendor, bank, service, etc. Example: Credit Suisse might get, while Deutsche Bank might get
I've had several of these in the past get stolen or sold to spammers.
Filter option to send a rejection/undeliverable message to sender when I no longer need to use one of these aliases.SimpleLogin has made MUCH easier because you can turn off/on at will.
It would be nice having this same functionality in ProtonMail for users who would still like to…
6 votes -
Show Count of Email Search Results
There should be a count of matched items from a search. Currently I am using a work around using "select all" after a search which will show the count of selected search results.
5 votes -
Email aliases like,,
Email aliases like,,
2 votes -
Ability to open message in new browser tab or window
The ability to 'pop-out' a message from the mailbox and open in a new browser window or browser tab will improve usability and allow the user to review multiple message simultaneously. This is a feature that exists in outlook today and is very useful from a productivity standpoint.
8 votes -
Add FIDO2/U2F support to Mobile apps (and allow disabling app based 2FA)
Proton webmail finally supports FIDO2/U2F hardware security keys.
Please add this support to the mobile apps as well. Yubikey has inexpensive NFC-enabled hardware security keys. NFC or not, Proton's app should also support this as an option.
Currently you can only log into mobile with an app-based TOTP code or a recovery code, and you can only unlock a logged in session with a PIN or biometrics.
It should be possible to make the only option a hardware security key for all Proton apps.
67 votesAll Proton mobile apps now support FIDO2 for 2FA:
We'll be adding the option to disable authenticator app very soon.
Allow using ONLY security keys as 2FA
I was very excited to see that security key support was added! Please now allow me to disable the authenticator app -- I only want my hardware keys as my second factor.
147 votes
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